The Architectural Review N° 1426 (2015)


4 When fame is the kiss of death.
Too many architects once heralded as rising stars have seen their work descend into caricature and recycled motifs. In this cautionary tale, Peter Buchanan asks whether early recognition can stunt burgeoning creativity and originality.



22 10 Cal Tower, Supermachine Studio

Highly Commended

30 Sayama Forest Chapel and Bird’s Nest Atami, Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

Commended with Merit

44 Khao Mo, Sanitas Studio
48 Re: Build, Pilosio


56 MOCA, waa
60 House, Bernheimer Architecture
64 Cour et Jardin, Atelier Fernandez & Serres
66 100 Walls Church, CAZA
72 Indochine, café, Vo Trong Nghia
76 Lofthitech, Guillaume Patrois
80 Ken Saro-Wiwa community centre, Pangalos Dugasse Feldmann Architectes
84 Naman Retreat Pure Spa, MIA Design Studio
88 Alga(e)zebo, MAM
90 Nursery school, Yamazaki Kentaro
Design Workshop

Publicado por | 2 de febrero de 2016 - 14:28 | Actualizado: 2 de febrero de 2016 - 14:28 | PDF

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