Log n° 35 (2015)

97 Kulla e Pambaruar
Simon Battisti

128 The Stack
Banjamin H. Bratton

49 Good Buildings Behaving Badly
Antohny Burke

52 Difference and Repetition
Tom Daniell

15 Broad Strokes
Joe Day

60 The Architecture Utters Nothing
Lisa Hsieh

121 A (P) review
Jeffrey Kipnis

103 Logistics Takes Command
Francesco Marullo

11 Toward the Body of Work
Michael Meredith

85 A Conversation with Arduino Càfora
Nicolò Ornaghi & Francesco Zorzi

81 Slow Ride
Christopher Pierce

160 Counterweight Roommate
Alex Schweder & Ward Sherlley

69 Fear of Figures
Paulette Singley

27 How Soon Is Now? Ten Problems and Paradoxes in the Work of Dogma
Christophe Van Gerrewey

General Observations

102 Alice Bucknell on Pipe Dreams

48 Ian Caine on the Biggest Gas Station in the World

80 Luca FArinelli in an Outsider

10 Nicolas Kemper on an Observatory

Publicado por | 9 de marzo de 2016 - 12:05 | Actualizado: 9 de marzo de 2016 - 12:05 | PDF

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