Architectural Design 1 (2016)

Architecture timed

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest
Karen A Franck

8 Introduction. Designing with Time in Mind
Karen A Franck

18 The Nine Lives of Buildings
Jill Stoner

24 Built Conservation and the Unfinished Fabrics of Time
Federica Goff

34 Juxtaposing the New and the Old
Eric Parry

42 Time Matters
Transition and Transformation in Architecture
Mark Taylor

50 Inhabiting Time
Juhani Pallasmaa

60 Time as a Medium
Early Work of Enric Miralles
Philip Speranza

66 The Presence of the Weather
Kevin Nute

74 Knowingly Unfinished
Exploiting the Temporality o Landscapes

82 Matter Timed
Martina Decker

88 Drawing Time
Brian McGrath

98 Drawing in Time
Processes of Design and Fabrication
Babak Bryan and Henry Grosman

108 Architecture Takes Time
Tobias Armborst, Daniel D’Oca and Georgeen Theodore

114 Ever Faster But Still Very Good
Jonathan Mallie

128 Visiting Karsten Harries and Revisiting his ‘Building and the Terror of Time’

136 Counterpoint
Finding Time
Tim Makower

142 Contributors

Publicado por | 8 de abril de 2016 - 11:29 | Actualizado: 8 de abril de 2016 - 11:29 | PDF

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