The Architectural Review N° 1429 (2016)


4 Now then. Identifying as an architect is a kind of drag, a mannered persona donned for effect.
Mimi Zeiger

12 Zaha Hadid ‘The Way Forward’

24 Justice for all.
Inclusion, openness and dialogue resonate throughout Studio Grag’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership.
Matthew Messner

34 A River Runs through it
SANAA’s River building at Grace Farms takes its cue from the New Canaan landscape.
Joseph Giovannini

45 Minecraft
With Flint House comes a crossing of the boundaries of geology, time and imagination.
Jay Merrick

53 The Bilbao Effect
Although it looks nice, does the social housing by Tatiana Bilbao Estudio in Ciudad Acuña address the needs of the Mexican inhabitants?
Carlos Ortega Arámburo

65 Survey
The Woman in Architecture survey provides disturbing insights into the experiences of 1152 women worldwide – alarmingly, more than one in five would not recommend a career in architecture
Bruce Tether

81 Outrage
We need to look past Barbie’s self-serving aesthetic polemics to find a new cultural significance
Duarte Lobo Antunes

94 Local action global impact
A farmers’ market, a pedestrian bridge and an amphitheatre in the US, by onSITE initiative design/buildLAB

98 Empowering a community
KWIECO Shelter House, Moshi, Tanzania
Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects

101 Reinterpreting a rich cultural history
Milagrito Mezcal Pavilion, Santiago Matatlán, and Guanajuato housing project, Mexico City, Mexico
Ambrosi Etchegaray

106 A strong feeling of humanity
Museum of Contemporary Art, Yinchuan, China
We Architech Anonymous

110 Pop-Cultures playfulness
Button Mash and The Oinkster, Los Angeles, USA
Design, Bitches

114 Quiet determination
Community centre, L’Aquila, Italy
Burnazzi Feltrin Architects

118 Direct contrasts
The Cathedral, Linköpng, Sweden
Petra Gipp Arkitektur

122 Building more than a building
Bamboo hostels, Baoxi, China
Anna Heringer

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2016 - 13:54 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2016 - 13:54 | PDF

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