Architectural Review N° 1432 (2016)


4 Forest of light
The Asia Culture Center in Gwangju recalls a sinister past while looking to a bright future, writes Michael Sorkin

17 Building Palestine
All architecture is political, particularly the Palestinian Museum, writes Shane O’Toole

26 Typology New Towns
Creating new urban areas from scratch may appear to be a utopian exercise, but more frequently it entrenches existing systems of power, writes Tom Wilkinson.

40 The mirage of an ideal metropolis
The unattainable shore of utopia spurs great feats of discovery, writes Nicholas Olsberg


84 The elevated ordinary
Feeling more like a village than a school, St Angela’s College is liberating and upliftin, writes Schane O’Toole96

96 Peripheral Vision
Within the ring road of Paris lies a groundscraper that transcends the city’s boundaries, writes Manon Mollard

Publicado por | 10 de agosto de 2016 - 14:31 | Actualizado: 10 de agosto de 2016 - 14:31 | PDF

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