Architectural Design Nº 6 (2016)

Evoking Through Design

05 About the Guest-Editor
Matías del Campo

06 Introduction
Moods and Other Ontological Catastrophes
Matías del Campo

14 Moods Swings
Architectural Affective Disorder

20 !ntimacy
Eragatory’s Experiments in Materiality, Deep Texture and Mood
Isaie Bloch

26 Aesthetics as Politics
The Khaleesi Tower on West 57th Street, NYC
Mark Foster Gage

34 Figuring Mood
The Role of Stimmung in the Formal Approach of Heinrich Wölfflin and Alois Riegl
Andrew Saunders

42 Low Albedo
The Mathilde Project

46 Oh, Vienna!
An Interview with Wolf D Prix of Coop Himmelb(l)au
Matias del Campo

54 Moody Objects
Ore Fashion Stores and Blocks
Matias del Campo

58 The Affects of Realism
Or Estrangement of the Background
Michel Young

66 Parrhesia-stases
(The Preamble)
François Roche with Camille Lacadée

72 Affects of Intricate Mass
The Strange Characteristics of the RMIT Mace and NGV Pavilion
Ronald Snooks

78 Excessive Resolution
From Digital Streamlining to Computational Complexity
Mario Carpo
84 Something Else, Something Row
From ProtoHouse to Blokhut: The Aesthetics of Computational Assemblage
Gilles Retsin

90 XenoCells
In the Mood for the Unseen
Alisa Andrasek

96 Bad Mood
On Design and ‘Empathy’
Benjamin H Bratton

102 Emanating Objects
The Atmospehric Ecosystems Generated Orb and Buru Buru
Michael Loverich

108 Mood, Posture and Rhythmic Feedback
MONAD Studio’s Sonic Experiments with 3D-Printed Musical Instruments
Eric Goldemberg

118 The Awesone and Capricious Language of Past, Present and Future Digital Moods
Marjan Colleti

126 Counterpoint
The Sixth Sense
The Meaning of Atmosphere and Mood
Juhani Pallasmaa

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 23 de enero de 2017 - 13:21 | Actualizado: 23 de enero de 2017 - 13:21 | PDF

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