The Architectural Review N° 1436 (2016)


24 CEMETERY (Cherry Orchanrd Cemetery). Hunglodei, Taiwan
Fieldofice Architects.
Kate Goodwin

46 CEMETERY (Sayama Lakeside and Ingawa Reien Japan)
David Chipperfield, Key Operation, Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
Kate Goodwin

57 CREMATORIUM. New Chapel, Crowhill crematorium
Milton Keynes, UK. Adrian Morrow
Tom Wilkinson

60 CREMATORIUM. Communal Crematorium. Ringsted, Denmark
Henning Larsen Architects.
Tom Wilinson

61 CREMATORIUM. Crematorium Heimolen. Sint-Niklass, Belgium
KAAN Architecten.
Tom Wilkinson

62 CREMATORIUM. Meiso no Mori. Kakamigahara, Japan
Toyo Ito & Associates.
Tom Wilkinson

96 DAY CENTRE. Maggie’s Centre. Manchester, UK. Foster+Partners
Gillian Darley

104 HOSPITAL. Angdong Hospital. Baojing, China. RUF. Jack Young

88 HOSPITAL. New Psychiatric Hsopital. Slagelse, Denmark
Karlsson Architects and Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter.
Jon Astbury

16 MEMORIAL. Clamor de Paz. La Nava, Honduras
Paul Lukez Architecture
Cristina Lozano Carbajal

64 MORTUARY. Tanatorio. Burgo de Ebro, Spain. Juan Carlos Salas
Martha Thorne


34 ASSISTED SUICIDE. Essay. Sex, drugs and dying with Dignitas
Jack Self

51 BOULLÉE, ETIENNE-LOUIS (1728-1799). Reputations
Antohny Vidler

78 CEMETERIES, FUTURE OF. Essay. Body count
Julie Rugg

3 CEMETERIES, HISTORY OF. Keynote essay. Housing the dead
Ken Worpole

44 CEMETERIES AS PUBLIC SPACE. Emerging architect profile. Plan Común
Manon Mollard

54 CREMATORIUM. Typology. Tom Wilkinson

11 Death. Editorial.
Christine Murray

84 HEALTH. Awards
Emili Booth

40 MEMORIALS. Outrage.
Austin Williams

36 Memorials. Review. As goos as grief gets
Jon Astbury

111 SANATORIUM. Revisiting Aalto’s Paimio
Ellis Woodman

Publicado por | 20 de abril de 2017 - 14:06 | Actualizado: 20 de abril de 2017 - 14:06 | PDF

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