Architectural Design v.87 n.2 (2017)

DESIGN FOR HEALTH: Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture

5 About the Guest-Editor
Terri Peters

6 Introduction
Interconnected Approaches to Sustainable Architecture
Terri Peters

16 Decoding Modern Hospitals
An Architectural History
Ammarie Adams

24 Superarchitecture
Building for Better Health
Terri Peters

32 Lean, Green and Healthy
Landscape and Health
Julian Weyer

42 Salutogenic and Biophilic
Design as Therapeutic Approaches to Sustainable Architecture
Ricard Mazuch

48 Environmentally Smart Designing

56 Humanist Principles, Sustainable Design and Salutogenics
A New Form of Healthcare Architecture
Corbett Llyon

66 Maggie’s Architecture
The Deep Affinities Between Architecture and Healthcare
Charles Jencks

76 Healthy Patient Rooms in Hospitals
Emotional Wellbeing Naturally
Sylvia Leydecker

82 Can Architecture Heal?
Buildings as Instruments of Healthcare
Michael Murphy and Jeffrey Mansfield

90 Multisensory Architecture
The Dynamic Interplay of Environment, Movement and Social Function
Sean Ahlquist, Leah Ketcheson and Constanza Colombi

108 A Sense of Coherence
Supporting the Healing Process
Guiseppe Boscherini

114 Cultivating the ‘In-Between’
Humanising the Modern Healthcare Experience
Terry Montgomery

122 Regenerative Agents
Patient-Focused Architectures
Sunand Prasad

128 Counterpoint
Transforming Hospitals
Building Restorative Healthcare
Robin Gunther

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 24 de abril de 2017 - 13:59 | Actualizado: 24 de abril de 2017 - 13:59 | PDF

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