A+U n°559 (2017)

MVRDV FILES 3: Projects 230-700

6 230 Book Mountain

12 236 DNB Headquarters

18 254 Glass Farm

24 261 Market Hall

32 373 Fashion HQ Tokyo

34 376 Balancing Barn

38 382 New Orleans L9W

40 415 Rodovre Sky Village

42 425 The Why Factory Tribune

44 438 Pushed Slab

Interview: Individualizing the Collective Winy Maas

54 442 Electric Boulevard

56 461 Pune Amanora Park Town

58 462 Bałtyk

60 464 Ku.Be House of Culture and Movement

66 504 Supreme Court of the Netherland

68 508 Ragnarock

76 511 Freeland

78 514 The Couch

84 524 Chungha Building

86 531 Floriade 2022

Interview: Inhabiting the Cities Jacob van Rijs

96 546 Peruri 88

98 548 Kiruna Future Vision

102 553 Crystal Houses

18 565 Cheung Fai Building

112 578 Art Depot Boijmans van Beuningen

116 579 Tengah Town

120 589 Folie Richter

124 604 The Coral Tower

Interview: Architect’s Role in the Society Nathalie de Vries

134 607 The Cultural Village

136 620 Casa Kwantes

140 631 Traumhaus

142 636 Ravel Plaza

144 642 Seoul Skygarden

148 649 The Next Hutong

152 689 B Ho(s)tel

154 700 The Stairs

158 XXX MVRDV House

Publicado por | 5 de junio de 2017 - 12:52 | Actualizado: 5 de junio de 2017 - 12:52 | PDF

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