Architecture today nº 276 (2017)


04 Exhibition
English cathedrals captured in dawn light by the late Magnum photographer Peter Marlow

06 Books
Architectural reminiscences, the Centre Pompidou at 40, and Novartis campus box set

08 History
Claire Jamieson explores the enduring significance of NATO, the “last radical architectural group of the twentieth century”

10 Viewpoint
Robert Harbison reflects on our fascination with the unbuilt

14 Learning form
Full immersion in Ted Cullinan’s ethos had a indelible influence, recalls Sasha Bhavan


18 Installation
A six metre sphere, designed by FAHR 021. 3 , has taken up temporary residence in Porto’s Amore de Perdicao square

20 Building
6a Architects’ Cowan Court, a 68-room hall of residence at Churchill College, Cambridge, resonates with its Brutalist context. Roz Barr reports

30 Building
A perforated, leaf patterned metal facade screens a compact London house designed by Horden Cherry Lee Architects

32 Buildings
Wilfried Wang passes a critical eye over Herzog & De Meuron’s Hamburg Elbphilharmonie

43 Interior
Cut above: Sam Jacob Studio combines an art gallery and hairdressing salon in a tiny space of London

44 Building
Deborah Saunt explores the idiosyncratic south London Cabinet Gallery designed by Trevor Horne Architects


52 Envelope
Reiach & Hall Architects’ Oriam national sports facility in Edinburgh combines composite insulated cladding panels with Upvc and termoplastics

58 Envelope
Squire & Partners has developed a contemporary interpretation of historic gauged brickwork at Hans Place in London

61 Products

My Kind of Town

64 Charles Saumarez Smith
An urban ecology suffused with a sense of community and history

Publicado por | 20 de junio de 2017 - 13:39 | Actualizado: 20 de junio de 2017 - 13:41 | PDF

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