Arquitectura subterranea

Cinc edificis ensorrats [Five sunken buildings]. Article by Alfons Soldevila
Quaderns, no. 252, 2006 Winter, p. 120-125.

Architecture souterraine: les ambiances contre la claustrophobie [Underground architecture: radiotherapy clinic, Bolzano, Italy];
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 361, 2005 Nov./Dec., p. 120-123.

Il vino sotto la vigna [The wine under the vineyard]; Article by Rita Capezzuto
Domus, no. 883, 2005 July/Aug., p. 62-71.

Landform future. Article by Paula Dietz
Architectural record, vol. 193, no. 10, 2005 Oct., p. 94-98.

From the ground up. Article by Robert Ivy and others
Architectural record, vol. 193, no. 10, 2005 Oct., p. 115-143.

‘Abbiamo bisogno del sottosuolo’ [We need the below-ground’].
Domus, no. 879, 2005 Mar., p. 108-112.

Special issue. Sous-sol [Underground]. Article by Georges Sebbag, and others
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 340, 2002 May/June, p. 38-111.

Maximiliansforum in Munchen [Maximilian Forum in Munich];
Detail, vol. 41, no. 6, 2001 Sept., p. 1027.

L’Archaeolink di Cullinan, Oyle [sic] [Edward Cullinan Architects’ Archaeolink, Oyne, Scotland]. Article by Patrick Hodgkinson
Spazio e societa, vol. 20, no. 83, 1998 July/Sept., p. 28-39.

Special issue. Il progetto sotterraneo [Underground project]. Article by Francois Burkhardt and others
Domus, no. 812, 1999 Feb., p. 2-58.

Underground 2. Article by Nicolo Ceccarelli, and others
Spazio e societa, vol. 18, no. 76, 1996 Oct./Dec., p. 98-105.

Campamento-Aula de la Naturaleza El Riachuelo, Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente, Isla da la Palma, Canarias [El Riachuelo visitors’ centre/service building, Caldera de Taburiente national park, island of La Palma, Canary Islands]; Architects: Manuel Fonseca Gallego.
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 309, 1997, p. 100-101.

Underground. Article by Peter Prangnell
Spazio e societa, vol. 18, no. 73, 1996 Jan./Mar., p. 8-21.

Espaces publics couverts [Covered public spaces].
Techniques & architecture, no. 420, 1995 June/July, p. 49-103.

Special issue. Madrid publica [Public Madrid]. Article by Luis Fernandez Galiano, and others
A&V monografias, no. 30, 1991, p. 2-80.

Publicado por | 23 de mayo de 2012 - 12:14 | Actualizado: 23 de mayo de 2012 - 12:14 | PDF

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