Arquitectura y agua

Special issue. Kumamoto Artpolis (2).
Japan architect, no. 10 (2), 1993 Summer, p. 130-243.

AD Profile 107. Japanese architecture III. Article by Maggie Toy, and others
Architectural design, vol. 64, no. 1/2, 1994 Jan./Feb., p. 6-96.

Building types study: 718. Recreation. Article by David Cohn, and others
Architectural record, vol. 182, no. 8, 1994 Aug., p. 51-81.

Special issue. Wasser-Kunste [Aquatic arts]. Article by Werner Oechslin, and others
Daidalos, no. 55, 1995 Mar. 15, p. 22-139.

Padiglione dell’acqua e installazione interattiva, Neeltje Jans, Olanda [Aquatic pavilion and interactive installation, Neeltje Jans,
Holland]; Architects: NOX. Article by Bart Lootsma, and Lars Spuybroek
Domus, no. 796, 1997 Sept., p. 28-33..

After torrential floords, Albany Georgia, reinvents itself with a centerpiece by Antoine Predock: a RiverQuarium celebrating local aquatic
culture. Article by Sarah Amelar
Architectural record, vol. 193, no. 5, 2005 May, p. 218-223.

Sull’acqua [On water]. Article by Stefano Casciani and others
Domus, no. 897 supplement, 2006 Nov., p. 1-96.

Publicado por | 23 de mayo de 2012 - 12:24 | Actualizado: 23 de mayo de 2012 - 12:24 | PDF

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