Beijing, China

Crouching Olympics, hidden preservation. Article by Andrew Yang
Architectural record, vol. 195, no. 6, 2007 June, p. 38.

OMA a Pekin, prelude a New York [Office for Metropolitan Architecture in Beijing exhibition at MoMA, New York]. Article by Paulo Faria
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 369, 2007 Mar./Apr., p. 32.

Special issue. Fra terra e cielo [Between earth and heaven]. Article by Laura Bossi and others
Domus, no. 900 supplement, 2007 Feb., p. 1-96.

CCTV-TVCC de OMA [CCTV building, Beijing]; Architects: Office for Metropolitan Architecture.
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 346, 2006, p. 98-99.

Chantiers: vu du ciel [On site: the view from the sky].
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 163, 2006 Sept., p. 22-23.

Special issue. Beijing Shanghai architecture guide. Article by Fang Yong and others
A&U, no. 5 supplement, 2005 May, p. 2-171.

Pechino: il grande balzo in avanti [Beijing: the great leap forward. A special report on the rebuilding of China’s capital city]. Article by Deyan Sudjic and others
Domus, no. 864, 2003 Nov., p. 34-57.

Publicado por | 24 de mayo de 2012 - 08:54 | Actualizado: 24 de mayo de 2012 - 08:54 | PDF

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