Byrne, Goncalo

Ten years later … building in Portugal: Portugal, events and echoes; The Fundo de Fomento – Setubal, new city; Housing district in Alverca; Goncalo Byrne, Casal das Figueiras district in Setubal; Blocks and roads in Alter Do Chao; Siza i Vieira, bank in Vila do Conde; Souto de Moura, communal market in Braga; Soutinho, museum and library at Amarante; Popular architecture, from the
survey to the. Article by Daniele Vitale, and others
Domus, no. 655, 1984 Nov, p. 2-31.

Engineering as civic art: the Santa Justa elevator, Lisbon; engineer (1902): Raoul Mesnier de Ponsard. Article by Goncalo Byrne
Lotus, no. 45, 1985, p. 118-132.

Rebuilding in the city: Pombal’s Lisbon. Article by Goncalo Byrne
Lotus, no. 51, 1986, p. 6-24.

Architetture di Goncalo Byrne [Architectural works of Goncalo Byrne]. Article by Manuel Mendes
Casabella, vol. 53, no. 561, 1989 Oct., p. 4-23, 59-60.

Tessuto e monumento: due interpretazioni al concorso per il centro culturale di Belem a Lisbona [Fabric and monument: two entries to the competition for Belem cultural centre in Lisbon]. Article by Pierluigi Nicolin
Lotus, no. 61, 1989 Mar., p. 24-41.

Lotus, no. 63, 1989, p. 56-73.

Lisbona: una citta vulnerabile. Il Chiado di Alvaro Siza [Lisbon: a vulnerable city. Alvaro Siza’s Chiado]; Architects: Alvaro Siza
Article by Goncalo Byrne, and Alvaro Siza
Lotus, no. 64, 1990, p. 32-53.

Opere e progetti di Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca [Works and projects by Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca]. Article by Goncalo Byrne
Casabella, vol. 56, no. 589, 1992 Apr., p. 4-17, 69.

Un’agenzia bancaria a Arraiolos, in Portogallo [A bank agency at Arraiolos, in Portugal]; Architects: Goncalo Byrne
Domus, no. 756, 1994 Jan., p. 38-43.

Special issue. Portugueses [The Portuguese]. Article by Nuno Portas, and others
A&V monografías, no. 47, 1994 May/June, p. 2-112.

Progetti per la costa di Funchal, Madera [Projects for the coast at Funchal, Madeira]; Architects: Goncalo Byrne. Article by the architect
Casabella, vol. 59, no. 622, 1995 Apr., p. 4-17, 68.

Goncalo Byrne: obras recentes [Goncalo Byrne: recent works]. Article by Antonio Angelillo
Architecti, vol. 5, no. 26, 1994 Sept./Nov., p. 8-57.

Special issue. Dezanove (19) interiores [Nineteen (19) interiors]. Article by Manuel Graca Dias, and others
Architecti, vol. 7, no. 33, 1996 May/July, p. 26-112.

Special issue. Arquitectura contemporanea no concelho de Oeiras [Contemporary architecture in the municipality of Oeiras].
Article by Maria Antonia Mesquita Lima, and others
Architecti, vol. 7, no. 34, 1996 Aug./Oct., p. 33-104, 1-16.

Campus Aveiro: nove capitoli della nuova architettura portoghese [Aveiro campus: new capitol of the new Portuguese architecture].
Article by Laura Peretti, and Marie Clement and others
Casabella, vol. 61, no. 643, 1997 Mar., p. 10-55.

Special issue. Cenarios [Scenery]. Article by Joao Mendes Ribeiro and others
Architecti, vol. 9, no. 44, 1998 Oct./Dec., p. 20-115.

Restauro e recuperacoes [Restoration and recovery].
Architecti, vol. 11, no. 49, 2000 Jan./Mar., p. 66-111.

Istituto superiore di economia, Lisbona, Portogallo 2000 [School of Economics, Lisbon, Portugal 2000]; Architects: Goncalo Byrne.
Article by the architect
Casabella, vol. 65, no. 693, 2001 Oct., p. 58-65.

Nuovi parchi [New parks]. Article by Christophe Girot and others
Casabella, vol. 67, no. 711, 2003 May, p. 50-83, 112-113.

Special issue. Heterodoxie moderne [Portugal 2003]. Article by Marie Christine Loriers and others
Techniques & architecture, no. 466, 2003 June/July, p. 22-101.

Publicado por | 24 de mayo de 2012 - 09:57 | Actualizado: 24 de mayo de 2012 - 09:57 | PDF

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