Cave house – Underground buildings

Feeling at home in a cave house. Article by Geoffrey Grigson
Country life, vol. 163, no. 4220, 1978 May 25, p. 1482-1484.

The myth of the cave: project for the Angoussart house; Architects: Emilio Ambasz. Article by Bruno Minardi
Domus, no. 608, 1980 Jul/Aug, p. 20-23.

Matera – the Sassi. Article by Pier Carlo Santini
Ottagono, vol. 17, no. 64, 1982 Mar, p. 20-25.

Special issue. Architecture and landscape. Article by Ulrich Conrads, and others
Daidalos, no. 12, 1984 Jun 15, p. 13-116.

Matthews residence; Pulis residence; Rosenbaum residence; Architects: William P Bruder Architect
GA houses, no. 22, 1987 Dec., p. 142-159.

Impressioni sotterranee: appunti dalla Cappadocia [Subterranean sensation: notes from Cappadocia]. Article by Monica Mazzolani
Spazio e societa, vol. 12, no. 46, 1989 Apr./June, p. 58-63.

Cappadocia 2. Article by Monica Mazzolani
Spazio e societa, vol. 12, 47/48, 1989 July/Dec., p. 76-79.

Special issue. Sous terrain [Under ground]. Article by Gerhard Auer, and others
Daidalos, no. 48, 1993 June 15, p. 20-145.

Grado cero: Suizos del norte, una nueva simplicidad [Degree zero: the Swiss from the north, a new simplicity].
Article by Stanislaus von Moos, and others
Arquitectura viva, no. 41, 1995 Mar./Apr., p. 15-63, 74-75.

La caverna de la salud: banos termales, Vals, Suiza [The cave of health: thermal baths, Vals, Switzerland]; Architects: Peter Zumthor.
Arquitectura viva, no. 56, 1997 Sept./Oct., p. 86-93.

The halls of the mountain king. Article by Jody De Falbe
House & garden, vol. 53, no. 5 (562), 1998 May, p.

Publicado por | 24 de mayo de 2012 - 10:29 | Actualizado: 24 de mayo de 2012 - 10:29 | PDF

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