Arquitectura en tierra

Architettura di terra_Earth architecture. Teracrea, una nicchia di progettualità innovativa all’ interno dell’establishment industriale. Teracrea, an innovative design niche withing the
industrial establishment. Testi_texts by Maria Cristina Tommasini.
Domus, no 904, 2007. pp. 100-106

Terra, paglia e bambu. Per una architettura sostenibile [Earth, straw and bamboo. Towards a sustainable architecture]. Article by Norman Foster and others
Parametro, vol. 34, no. 250, 2004 Mar./Apr., p. 16-93.

Criterios para el proyecto de estructuras de suelo reforzado.[Criteria for a project of reinforced soil structures]. Article by Faustino Valero Ruiz
Informes de la construccion, vol. 54, no. 479, 2002 May/June, p. 29-41.

Technique: Terre crue, l’eternel opprobre [Technique: Unbaked earth construction, the eternal disgrace]. Article by Emmanuel Caille
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 119, 2001 Oct., p. 141-143.

Ladrillos de suelo-cemento: mampuesto tradicional en base a un material sostenible [Soil-cement blocks: traditional masonry based on a sustainable material].Article by Mariana P Gatani
Informes de la construccion, vol. 51, no. 466, 2000 Mar./Apr., p. 35-47.

Analisis tipologico de las estructuras de las construcciones rurales tradicionales de barro. La ‘casa de corral’ en el Paramo de Leon (Espana) [Typological analysis of the structures of traditional earthen rural buildings. The ‘yard house’ in the Paramo de Leon area].
Article by Juan Ortiz Sanz and others
Informes de la construccion, vol. 52, no. 468, 2000 July/Aug., p. 5-17.

The future. An architect is devising new processes for building dirt-cheap houses from elemental materials. Article by Ted Katauskas
Architectural record, vol. 186, no. 8, 1998 Aug., p. 206.

Dirty work.. Article by Eric Adams
Architecture (New York), vol. 87, no. 8, 1998 Aug., p. 120-124.

La tecnica del tapial en la comunidad autonoma de Madrid. Aplication de Nuevos materiales para la consolidacion de muros de tapia [The technique of ‘tapial’, rammed earth, in the Madrid district. Application of new materials in the consolidation of rammed earth walls]. Article by Luis Maldonado Ramos and others
Informes de la construccion, vol. 49, no. 452, 1997 Nov./Dec., p. 27-37.

Uma casa ecologica: Solucao nordica em terra crua [An ecological house: Nordic solution in earth construction]; Architects: Sverre Fehn Article by Leticia Achcar
Projeto, no. 168, 1993 Oct., p. 38-42.

Itinerario Domus: 103 [Domus itinerary: 103]. Architetture di terra in Marocco [Earth construction in Morocco]. Article by Dario Valli
Domus, no. 762, 1994 July/Aug., p. 87-92.

Sulle ‘Scuole di Terra’ in Burkina Faso [On ‘Mud Schools’ in Burkina Faso]. Article by Luciano Barbero, and Athina Savvidu
Spazio e societa, vol. 16, no. 61, 1993 Jan./Mar., p. 60-71.

La tierra. ?Un material de construccion olvidado? [Earth. A forgotten construction material?]. Article by Fernando Rodriguez Romo
Arquitectura y urbanismo, vol. 10, no. 3, 1989, p. 72-77.

Special issue. La tierra, material de construccion [Earth, construction material]. Article by Juan Diaz Romeral, and others
Informes de la construccion, vol. 37, no. 377, 1986 Jan./Feb., p. 5-66.

Publicado por | 23 de mayo de 2012 - 10:19 | Actualizado: 23 de mayo de 2012 - 10:19 | PDF

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