Arquitectura hospitalaria


Planeamiento y construcción de hospitales.– [Montevideo]: Asociación Uruguaya de Administradores de Hospitales, 1965.– 201 p.: 19 cm.
Primeras jornadas organizadas por la Asociación Urguaya de Administradores de Hospitales del 12 al 19 de diciembre de 1965 en el Balneario Solís (Maldonado, Uruguay).
Ubic: 725.51 A837p (2 ejemplares)

BINET, Jacques-Louis; BURAGLIO, Pierre, ilus.
Les architectes de la médecine.– Paris : Les Editions de l’Imprimeur, 1996.– 175 p.: 24 cm.
Ubic: 725.5 B612a

PONS, Nora; MANE GARZON, Fernando, prol.
Hospitales y hospitalidad : Apuntes de ayer.– 1a.ed.– Montevideo : Dos Puntos, 1997.– 59 p.: 30 cm.
Investigación de Pellegrino-Pons arquitectas, planificación y arquitectura médico-asistencial.
Contenido: reseña de la arquitectura hospitalaria en el Uruguay desde 1787 a 1928.
Calidad de humanización.
Ubic: 725.5 P798h (en IHA)


Nouvel hopital de la Fondation Cognacq-Jay, Paris [Fondation Cognacq-Jay Hospital, Paris]; Architects: Toyo Ito Architect & Associates. Article by Frederic Nantois
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 369, 2007 Mar./Apr., p. 18-21.

CHU Anadolu Saglik Merkezi, Gebze, Turquie [Anadolu Saglik Merkezi cancer clinic, Gebze, Turkey]; Architects: Ayse Hasol Erktin.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 369, 2007 Mar./Apr., p. 8.

Conoscenza e forza [Knowledge is power]; Architects: Zaha Hadid Architects.
Article by Deyan Sudjic
Domus, no. 898, 2006 Dec., p. 26-33.

Health care: grand statements . By: Fortmeyer, Russell.
Architectural record, 2006 Oct., v.194, n.10, p.131.

Anadolu Health Center, Gebze-Cocaeli, Turkey . By: Ivy, Robert.
Architectural record, 2006 Oct., v.194, n.10, p.132-137.

Kazuhiro Kojima + Kazuko Akamatsu – CAt . By: Kojima, Kazuhiro, 1958-.
Japan architect, 2006 Spring, n.61, entire issue (136p.).

Australian Wildlife Health Centre, Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne . By: Van Schaik, Leon.
Architectural design, 2006, v.76, n.2, p.124-127.

Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care, Boston, Massachusetts . By: Pearson, Clifford A..
Architectural record, 2005 June, v.193, n.6, p.126-130.

Light touch: children’s hospital, London . By: Finch, Paul.
Architectural review, 2005 May, v.217, n.1299, p.[46]-[55].

Urban healing: maternity and children’s hospital, Madrid, Spain . By: Bertolucci, Carla.
Architectural review, 2005 May, v.217, n.1299, p.56-63.

Healing in the heartland: regional hospital, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada . By: Slessor, Catherine.
Architectural review, 2005 May, v.217, n.1299, p.64-[67].

De cuerpos y almas: las dotaciones sanitarias y culturales = Of bodies and souls: building for health and culture .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 May-June, n.113, p.86-87.

PLOT: psychiatric hospital, Denmark . By: Gregory, Rob.
Architectural review, 2005 Apr., v.217, n.1298, p.71.

Maison des Adolescents, hôpital Cochin, Paris XIVe: Jean-Marc Ibos et Myrto Vitart architetes . By: Tiry, Corinne.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2005 Mar.-Apr., n.357, p.20-22.

Hospital Materno Infantil Gregorio Marañón, Madrid = Gregorio Marañón Maternity and Pedriatric Hospital: José Rafael Moneo y José María de la Mata, arquitectos .
ON Diseño, 2005, n.262, p.136-163.

Kazuhiro Kojima – C + A: Tsuda Veterinary Clinic .
Japan architect, 2004 Winter, n.52, p.93-94.

Environmentally-friendly building strategies slowly make their
way into medical facilities. By: Nancy B Solomon
Architectural record, vol. 192, no. 8, 2004 Aug., p. 179-188.

O’Donnell [Compact and transparent: Maternity hospital on O’Donnell
Street, Madrid]; Architects: Rafael Moneo with Jose Maria de la Mata.
Arquitectura viva, no. 89/90, 2003 Mar./June, p. 144-149.

Healing havens. By: Clare Cooper Marcus
Landscape architecture, vol. 93, no. 8, 2003 Aug., p. 84-91, 107-109.

Ospedale pediatrico Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spagna 2003
[Gregorio Maranon paediatric hospital, Madrid, Spain 2003]; Architects:
Rafael Moneo with Jose Maria de la Mata. By: Jean-Marie Martin
Casabella, vol. 68, no. 721, 2004 Apr., p. 64-77.

Architecture therapeuthique [Therapeutic architecture].
Article by Sophie Roulet
Architecture interieure cree, no. 310, 2003 Sept./Oct., p. 16.

UK’s ‘Healthy hospitals’ envisions better health-care design.
Article by Lucy Bullivant
Architectural record, vol. 192, no. 3, 2004 Mar., p. 32.

Rafael Moneo: Madrid, Houston, Cranbrook & LA.
Article by Anton Capitel
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 332, 2003, p. 2-31.

Il posto di Maggie [Maggie’s place]; Architects: Gehry Partners.
Article by Charles Jencks
Domus, no. 865, 2003 Dec., p. 24-25.

Gehry and others designing free medical centers.
Article by Tony Illia
Architectural record, vol. 191, no. 10, 2003 Oct., p. 34.

Souffler le chaud et le froid: systemes reversibles et
ressources renouvelables [Blowing hot & cold: reversible systems and renewable resources].
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 347, 2003 July/Aug., p. 114-124

Publicado por | 23 de mayo de 2012 - 10:10 | Actualizado: 23 de mayo de 2012 - 10:10 | PDF

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