Batlle, Enric y Roig, Joan

Restoration of the church of St Domingo in Alarcon (competition for conversion into public hall and cultural centre); premiated design by: E Batlle Durany, and J Roig Duran.
Arquitectura (Madrid), vol. 65, no. 249, 1984 Jul/Aug, p. 16-21.

Four more plazas and parks, Barcelona. Article by David Mackay
Architectural review, vol. 178, no. 1063, 1985 Sep, p. 60-67.

Vivaio municipale Tres Pins, Barcellona [Tres Pins municipal nursery, Barcelona]; Architects: Enric Batlle Durany, and Joan Roig Duran
Article by Duccio Malagamba
Domus, no. 700, 1988 Dec., p. 29-35, XXIII.

Special issue. Barcelona. Article by David Mangin, and others
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 260, 1988 Dec., p. 1-31.

Puente sobre el Besos [Bridge over the River Besos]; Architects: Enric
Batlle, and Joan Roig Duran
Croquis, vol. 8, no. 3 (39), 1989 Apr./May, p. 110-116.

Sul fiume e nel giardino [Across the river and into the garden]; Architects:
Enric Batlle Durany, and Joan Roig Duran
Spazio e societa, vol. 13, no. 50, 1990 Apr./June, p. 102-107.

Special issue. Arquitectura como paisaje [Architecture as landscape]. Article by Kenneth Frampton, and others
Arquitectura (Madrid), vol. 72, no. 285, 1990 July/Aug., p. 32-137.

Special issue. Strategies urbaines [Urban strategies]. Article by Jean-Francois Pousse, and others
Techniques & architecture, no. 395, 1991 Apr./May, p. 45-111.

Amiens; Architects: Joan Roig Duran, and Enric Batlle Durany Article by Jacques Lucan
Moniteur architecture AMC,no. 38, 1993 Feb., p. 18-19.

Special issue. Salud nacional: centros de atencion [The architecture of medicine: health centres]. Article by Josep Maria Montaner, and others
A&V monografías, no. 49, 1994, p. 49-112.

Special issue. Alojamientos. De Barcelona a Tenerife: casos urbanos [Housing. From Barcelona to Tenerife: urban shells].
Article by Manuel de las Casas, and others
Arquitectura viva, no. 49, 1996 July/Aug., p. 17-59.

Premio Architecti Centro Cultural de Belem 96 [Architecti Prize Centro Cultural de Belem 96].
Architecti, vol. 7, no. 37, 1997 May/July, p. 48-96.

Libro o bibliotecas [Book or libraries]. Article by Luis Fernandez-Galiano and others
Arquitectura viva1998 Nov./Dec., p. 17-61.

Special issue. El estado de la cuestion [The state of the question]. Article by Manuel Gausa and others
Quaderns, no. 221, 1998, p. 26-191.

Pontes de arquitectos [Architect’s bridges]. Article by Manuel Graca Dias and others
Architecti, vol. 10, no. 45, 1999 Jan./Mar., p. 20-69.

Josep Maria Sostres e il sogno americano [Josep Maria Sostres and the American dream]; Architects for restoration: Batlle & Roig.
Article by Juan Roig and Juan Jose Lahuerta
Casabella, vol. 65, no. 690, 2001 June, p. 18-27.

Publicado por | 24 de mayo de 2012 - 08:51 | Actualizado: 24 de mayo de 2012 - 08:51 | PDF

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