Eames, Charles

Special issue. El siglo Americano [The American century]. By: Luis Fernandez-Galiano and Martin Filler
A&V monografias, no. 84, 2000 July/Aug., p. 50.

Le Case Study House Program et la tradition americaine [The Case Study House Program & the American tradition]. By: Luc Baboulet
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 98, 1999 May, p. 56-63.

Exhibitions. Realizing that ‘everything connects,’ Charles and Ray Eames pioneered a new kind of design practice that’s still fresh today; Designers: Hodgetts & Fung Design Associates. By: Thomas Hine
Architectural record, vol. 187, no. 10, 1999 Oct., p. 43-44.

Just a few chairs and a house: an essay on the Eames-aesthetic. By: Peter Smithson
Architectural design, vol. 69, no. 1/2, 1999 Jan./Feb., p. iii.

Special issue. Case del Novecento [Houses of the twentieth
century]. By: Massimo Cacciari and others
Casabella, vol. 62, no. 662/663, 1998/1999 Dec./Jan., p. 2-183.

L’oeuvre de Charles et Ray Eames, heritage d’invention [The work of Charles and Ray Eames, heritage of invention].
Architect interieure cree, no. 279, 1997, p. 28-29.

Flawed equation. By: Joseph Giovannini
Architecture (New York), vol. 87, no. 4, 1998 Apr., p. 59.

Eamesian invention. By: Catherine Slessor
Architecture (New York), vol. 86, no. 11, 1997 Nov., p. 43.

Charles et Ray Eames: un heritage d’invention [Charles and Ray Eames: a heritage of invention]. By: Beatrice Loyer
Techniques & architecture, no. 434, 1997 Oct./Nov., p. 98-101.

Charles et Ray Eames: un heritage d’invention [Charles and Ray Eames: a legacy of invention]. By: Catherine Seron-Pierre
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 83, 1997 Oct., p. 18.

Eames work: ‘un patrimonio di inventina’ [Eames work: ‘a legacy
of invention’]. By: Francesca Picchi
Domus, no. 796, 1997 Sept., p. 53-64.

Charles et Ray Eames: un mythe americain [Charles and Ray Eames: an American myth].By: Brigitte Fitoussi
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 308, 1996 Dec., p. 98-107.
Conjurar una imagen [To conjure an image]; Original architects: Charles
Eames, and Ray Eames, architects for conversion: Franklin D Israel Design
Associates. By: Sylvia Lavin
Arquitectura viva, no. 16, 1991 Jan./Feb., p. 54-57.

Special issue. Los Angeles: la fascination d’une ville sans limites [Los
Angeles]. By: David Leclerc, and Marc M Angelil
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 290, 1993 Dec., p. 56-119.

Historia de tres casas: Maison de Verre, Villa Mairea, Eames House [History of
three houses: Maison de Verre, Villa Mairea, Eames House]. By : Justo F Isasi, and others
Arquitectura viva, no. 31, 1993 July/Aug., p. 17-23.

Studios Bright; Original architects: Charles Eames, and Ray Eames, architects
for conversion Franklin D Israel Design Associates By: Claudine Mulard
Architecture interieure cree, no. 241, 1991 Feb./Mar., p. 108-113.

Special issue. Working places: problems and opportunities. By: Peter Davey, and others
Architectural review, vol. 189, no. 1129, 1991 Mar., p. 57-70

Quattro case sperimentali [Four experimental houses]. By: Marco Visconti
Domus, no. 711, 1989 Dec., p. 72-84.

‘La Chaise’, MOMA 1938/Vitra 1989; Designers: Charles Eames, and Ray Eames
Article by Marco Visconti
Domus, no. 708, 1989 Sept., p. 128-132.

AD Profile: 36. Los Angeles (Part 1). The morphology of Los Angeles; and, the
Architecture of Los Angeles. By: Derek Walker, Sam Hurst, Graeme Morland, and others
Architectural design, vol. 51, no. 8/9, 1981, p. 1-97.

On the Mies edge – The Case Study Program [involving architects Eames,
Ellwood, Koenig, Soriano, and later Neutra and Wurster] occupies a key
position in the line of research which aimed at the creation of a typology
for the one-family house using logical and infinitely reproducable systems.
Article by Olivier Boissiere
Domus, no. 614, 1981 Feb, p. 11-15.

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