Edificios parlamentarios

Raj Rewal: Parliament Library, New Delhi, India 2003 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2007 Oct., n.10(445), p.[114]-123.

Projects. It’s easy being green. Article by Russell Fortmeyer and others
Architectural record, vol. 194, no. 8, 2006 Aug., p. 73-105.

Raj Rewal Associates combines traditional and modern forms to create an original scheme for India’s Parliament Library in New Delhi . By: Lubell, Sam.
Architectural record, 2006 Mar., v.194, n.3, p.[120]-125.

Pavilion achieves security through transparency . By: Broome, Beth.
Architectural record, 2006 Feb., v.194, n.2, p.55-56.

Worlds apart: architects and the public talk past each other . By: Campbell, Robert, 1937-.
Architectural record, 2006 Jan., v.194, n.1, p.57-58.

Special issue. Le toit, 5e facade [The roof: the 5th facade]. Article by Axel Sowa and others
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 364, 2006 May/June, p. 50-101.

Noviembre: homilía de adviento = November: advent homily . By: Fernández-Galiano, Luis, 1950-.
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2006 Jan.-Apr., n.117-118, p.264-267.

Más allá de España: la internacionalización de los estudios = Beyond Spain: the internationalization of studies .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 May-June, n.113, p.170-171.

Hojas de hormigón: Parlamento de Escocia, Edimburgo .
Arquitectura viva, 2005, n.98, p.42-[55].

Appallingly expensive and years late, yet bursting with dreamlike bravura, the Scottish Parliament may ultimately be EMBT and RMJM’s bittersweet masterpiece . By: Cohen, David.
Architectural record, 2005 Feb., v.193, n.2, p.[98]-[111].

Enric Miralles + Benedetta Tagliabue: Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 2004 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2005 Jan., n.1(412), p.[14]-37.

Parlement d’Écosse, Holyrood, Édimbourg [sic], Écosse = Parliament of Scotland, Holyrood, Edinburgh: Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue architects . By: Chabard, Pierre.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2005 Jan.-Feb., n.356, p.108-117.

Identity parade: Miralles and the Scottish parliament . By: Jencks, Charles, 1939-.
Architecture today, 2005 Jan., n.154, p.32-34,37-40,43-44.

El Parlamento Escocés . By: Cabral, Nicolás.
Arquine: revista internacional de arquitectura y diseño = International architecture & design magazine, 2004 Winter, n.30, p.8-9.

2004 en doce edificios = 2004 in twelve buildings . By: Fernández-Galiano, Luis, 1950-. AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 Jan.-Apr., n.111-112, p.260-267.

Scotland the brave: Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, Scotland . By: Slessor, Catherine.
Architectural review, 2004 Nov., v.216, n.1293, p.[46]-[63].

Clear Finnish: parliamentary annexe, Helsinki, Finland . By: Davey, Peter.
Architectural review, 2004 Nov., v.216, n.1293, p.70-[75].

Parlement écossais = Parlamento escocés: Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue . By: Paez, Roger.
Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, 2004 Dec., n.244, p.[54]-79.

Sächsischer Landtag in Dresden: ein Gespräch mit Peter Kulka = Regional parliament building in Dresden: an interview with Peter Kulka = Sede del parlamento regionale a Dresda: intervista con Peter Kulka = Parlement de Saxe à Dresde = Parlamento sajón en Dresden: una entrevista con Peter Kulka . By: Kulka, Peter, 1937-.
Detail, 2002 Nov., v.42, n.11, p.1429-1433.

Architettura di pietra = Stone architecture .
Abitare, 2001 Oct., n.410, p.78.

Rehabilitación de un pueblo: edificio para el parlamento Lapón [Karasjok, Norway] . By: Sundby, Christian.
CA: revista oficial del Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile, 2001 July-Sept., n.106, p.[78]-83.

Parliamentary prescience: parliament building, Karasjok, Norway . By: Miles, Henry.
Architectural review, 2001 Apr., v.209, n.1250, p.49-53.

Commons sense: parliamentary building, Westminster, London . By: Davey, Peter.
Architectural review, 2001 Feb., v.209, n.1248, p.36-[43].

Parlementsneubau Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin = Paul Löbe parliamentary building in Berlin = Nuovo edificio Paul-Löbe per il Parlamento, Berlino = Nouveau bâtiment parlementaire Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin = Edificio parlamentario Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin
Detail, 2001 Sept., v.41, n.6, p.1019.

Fernando Távora: ampliamento del parlamento portoghese = Addition to the Portuguese parliament, Lisbona 1999 .
Casabella, 2000 May, v.64, n.678, p.18-23

Parlamento de Edimburgo.
El Croquis.2000;(100/101):142 – 167

New German Parliament, Reichstag.
GA DOCUMENT.1999;(59):98 – 113

Parlamento de Edimburgo.El Croquis.2000;(100/101):142 – 167
Charles Correa: Parlamento Vidhan Bhavan, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India = Vidhan Bhavan Pariament, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India . By: Rykwert, Joseph, 1926-.
Domus, 1999 Oct., n.819, p.31-[39].

Reichstag : La reconstruccion del parlamento.
AV.1994;(50):22 – 27

La sede del águila : Nuevo parlamento Alemán en Bonn.
Arquitectura Viva.1993;(28):82 – 85

Concours pour le palais du Parlement du Turquie.
L’ Architecture d’ aujourd ‘hui.1939;(5):6-11

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:20 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:20 | PDF

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