Ellwood, Craig

Modern valley… house in California; Architects: Craig Ellwood Assocs.
Article by Roberto Larcher
Ville giardini, no. 119, 1978 Jan, p. 2-8.

The last hundred years: the masters. Houses by Le Corbusier, Heinrich
Tessenow, Erik Bryggman, Alvar Aalto, Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson,
Article by Luciano Rubino
Ville giardini, no. 135, 1979 Jun, p. 34-37.

Quattro case sperimentali [Four experimental houses]. Article by Marco Visconti
Domus, no. 711, 1989 Dec., p. 72-84.

Craig Ellwood dies at 70. Article by Peter Blake
Architectural record, vol. 180, no. 7, 1992 July, p. 23.

Craig Ellwood, 1922-1992. Article by John Morris Dixon
Progressive architecture, vol. 73, no. 8, 1992 Aug., p. 19.

Craig Ellwood. Article by Vittoriano Vigano
Domus, no. 742, 1992 Oct., p. 4-5.

Adios a Craig Ellwood [Goodbye to Craig Ellwood].
Arquitectura viva, no. 27, 1992 Nov./Dec., p. 94.

Ellwood’s Art Center College expanded; Original architect: Craig Ellwood,
architect for alterations James Tyler
Progressive architecture, vol. 76, no. 2, 1995 Feb., p. 38.

Octavio Paz, Bela Lajta, Craig Ellwood: metamorfosi della
modernita [Octavio Paz, Bela Lajta, Craig Ellwood: metamorphoses of
modernity]. Article by Octavio Paz and others
Casabella, vol. 63, no. 664, 1999 Feb., p. 48-81.

Special issue. Craig Ellwood. 15 casas [Craig Ellwood. 15 houses]. Article by Alfonso Perez-Mendez and others
2G, no. 12 (4), 1999, p. 4-144.

Le Case Study House Program et la tradition americaine [The Case Study House Program & the American tradition]. Article by Luc Baboulet
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 98, 1999 May, p. 56-63.

Special issue. Masterpieces 1945-1970.Edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa
GA houses, special 01, 2001 June, p. 4-283.

On the Mies edge – The Case Study Program [involving architects Eames, Ellwood, Koenig, Soriano, and later Neutra and Wurster] occupies a key position in the line of research which aimed at the creation of a typology for the one-family house using logical and infinitely reproducable systems.
Article by Olivier Boissiere
Domus, no. 614, 1981 Feb, p. 11-15.

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:46 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2012 - 09:46 | PDF

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