Escuelas primarias

Projectes [Projects].
Quaderns,no. 250, 2006 Summer, p. 26-55.

Special issue. Small.
A&U no. 12 (435), 2006 Dec., p. 32-37.

Ecole primaire, La Tour-de-Salvagny, Rhone [Primary school, La Tour-de-Salvagny, Rhone]; Architects: Tectoniques architectes. Article by Gabriel Ehret
Architecture d’aujourd’hui no. 366, 2006 Sept./Oct., p. 18-20.

[Escuelas infantiles] [Primary schools].
Arquitectura (Madrid) no. 344, 2006, p. 68-71.

School design for the blind: learning to see without sight; Architects: G. Bruce Stratton Architects. Article by Rhys Phillips
Architectural record vol. 193, no. 12, 2005 Dec., p. 66-69.
EMBT: Enric Miralles & Benedetta Tagliabue. Article by Anton Capitel
Arquitectura (Madrid) no. 342, 2005, p. 31.

Future school; Architects: Future Systems. Article by Rita Capezzuto
Domus no. 885, 2005 Oct., p. 114-117.

Lessons in more: Caruso St John in Paddington. Article by Peter Allison
Architecture today no. 159, 2005 June, p. 58-69.

Observation and aspiration: Alan Jones Architects in Antrim. By: Patrick Lynch
Architecture today no. 151, 2004 Sept., p. 32-37.

Les salles de classe du futur, Bedfordshire, Royaume-Uni
[Classrooms of the future, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom]; Architects:Sergison Bates Architects.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui no. 352, 2004 May/June, p. 20-22.

Ash Sakula in Leicester. By: Ian Latham
Architecture today, no. 148, 2004 May, p. 26-32.

Preconisations en milieu scolaire: hygiene, securite, confort
[Recommendations for a school environment: hygiene, security, comfort]. By: Rafael Magrou
Techniques & architecture no. 471, 2004 Apr./May, p. 132-135.

Learning curve: Carl Fisher Partnership in Epsom.
Architecture today no. 146, 2004 Mar., p. 60-64.

Building type study: 831. K-12 schools. By: Jane F Kolleeny and others
Architectural record vol. 192, no. 3, 2004 Mar., p. 127-142.

Ecole primaire relais, Paris 13e [Primary school, Paris 13]; Architects: Pierre Edeikins. By: Maryse Quinton
Moniteur architecture AMC no. 137, 2003 Oct., p. 70-71.

Multiple choice: classroom buildings by Sergison Bates
Architects. By: Ian Latham and the architects
Architecture today, no. 139, 2003 June, p. 38-49.

Schulbau: Konzept [School buildings: concept]. By: Gunter Behnisch and others
Detail, vol. 43, no. 3, 2003 Mar., p. 148-154, 161-236.

School in the sky; Architects: Building Design Partnership. By: Alain Head
Architecture today, no. 128, 2002 May, p. 48-56.

Centro de educacion infantil y primaria ‘Pit-Roig’ [Pit Roig Centre of Infant & Primary Education, Barcelona]; Architects: Josep Llinas Carmona.
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 325, 2001, p. 4.01-4.20.

Crèche, Espoo, Finlande: Ark-House architects = Crèche at Espoo, Finland: Ark-House architects . By: Trelcat, Sophie.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2001 May-June, n.334, p.66-[67].

Hecker’s labyrinth.
Architectural review, vol. 209, no. 1249, 2001 Mar., p. 27.

Finding new horizons in an Upper East Side courtyard;
Architects: Francois de Menil. By: Ingrid Whitehead
Architectural record, vol. 188, no. 12, 2000 Dec., p. 69-70.

Complesso scolastico, New Donau-City, Vienna [School complex at
New Donau-City, Vienna]; Architects: Hans Hollein. By: Francois Burkhardt
Domus, no. 826, 2000 May, p. 28-35.

Eustache: école élémentaire = Elementary school, Paris . By: Pousse, Jean-François.
Techniques et architecture, 2000 Oct.-Nov., n.450, p.62-63.

Vancouver firm tries native collaboration; Architects: Acton
Johnson Ostry Architects. By: Article by John Gracey
Architectural record, vol. 188, no. 2, 2000 Feb., p. 34.

Cunningham crosses cultures to build a school in Finland. By: Bette Hammel
Architectural record, vol. 187, no. 9, 1999 Sept., p. 78.

School of thought: International Elementary School, Long Beach,
Ca; Architects: Morphosis. By: Aaron Betsky
Architecture (New York), 1999 July, p. 98-105.

Primary school, Grosslobming, near Knittelfeld, Austria;
Architects: Szyszkowitz & Kowalski. By: Claudia Orben
A&U, no. 10 (325), 1997 Oct., p. 50-61.

Building types study: 754. Schools. By: Thomas Fisher and others
Architectural record, vol. 185, no. 10, 1997 Oct., p. 105-125.

Ecole maternelle et primaire: Tournan-en-Brie [Nursery and primary school: Tournan-en-Brie]; Architects: Anne-Francoise Jumeau, Louis Paillard, Kitterie Verdier-Murawiec. By: Gilles Davoine
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 83, 1997 Oct., p. 40-43.

Edificio scolastico a Vienna [Elementary school in Vienna];Architects: ARTEC.
By: Leopold Dungl
Domus, no. 790, 1997 Feb., p. 32-39.

Publicado por | 25 de mayo de 2012 - 10:08 | Actualizado: 25 de mayo de 2012 - 10:08 | PDF

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