Ito, Toyo – Mediateca de Sendai

Special issue. Toyo Ito 2001-2005. Article by Koji Taki and others
Croquis, no. 5 (123), 2004 [2005], p. [46]-[101]

Details. Structures dynamiques [Details. Dynamic structures]. Article by Jean-Pierre Menard
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 146, 2004 Oct., p. [120]-[123].

Architetti globali in mostra [Global architects on show].
Lotus, no. 112, 2002 Mar., p. [58]-[67].

Japanese scene: 11. Sendai Mediatheque; Architects: Toyo Ito Architect & Associates.
Article by Kazutoshi Morita
A&U, no. 4 (379), 2002 Apr., p. 110-111.

Special issue. Japon [Japan].
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 338, 2002 Jan./Feb., p. [42]-[43].

Actaulite architecturale printemps 2001 [Spring 2001 architectural projects].
Article by Anne Laure Egg and others
Architecture interieure cree, no. 299, 2001, p. 80-[89].

Special issue. Yearbook 2001: Japanese architectural scene in
Japan architect, no. 44, 2002 Winter, p. 10-103.

Toyo Ito. La mediateca di Sendai: un organismo scomposto [Toyo Ito. The mediatheque in Sendai: an unseemly organism]. Article by Andrea Maffei
Casabella, vol. 64, no. 684/685, 2000/2001 Dec./Jan., p. 144-165.

Special issue. Toyo Ito 2001. Article by Toyo Ito, and others
Japan architect, no. 41, 2001 Spring, p. 6-128.

Il vortice dell’informazione [The information vortex]; Architects: Toyo Ito. Article by Deyan Sudjic
Domus, no. 835, 2001 Mar., p. 36-59.

Die Mediothek in Sendai – ein Gesprach mit Toyo Ito [The Media Centre in Sendai – an interview with Toyo Ito]. Article by Andrea Wiegelmann
Detail, vol. 41, no. 7, 2001 Oct./Nov., p. 1202-1212.

Sendai mediatheque design competition; Architects: Toyo Ito Article by the architect
GA document, no. 43, 1995, p. 50-53.

Publicado por | 31 de mayo de 2012 - 13:21 | Actualizado: 31 de mayo de 2012 - 13:21 | PDF

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