Maternidades – Hospitales

Special issue. Espana 2004 [Spanish yearbook 2004]. Article by Luis Fernandez-Galiano
A&V monografias, no. 105/106, 2004 Jan./Apr., p. [82-85]

Special issue. Designed for healing. Article by Paul Finch and others
Architectural review, vol. 217, no. 1299, 2005 May, p. [56-63]

It takes a (birthing) village; Architects: Kaplan McLaughlin
Diaz. Article by Katie Gerfen
Architecture (New York), vol. 94, no. 1, 2005 Jan., p. 12.

Special issue. Actualites architecturales: des halles aux hopitaux [Realised architectural projects: from Les Halles covered market in Paris to hospitals]. Article by Beatrice Roederer and others
Architecture interieure cree, no. 314, 2004 May/June, p. [78-81]

Building types study: 838. Health care. Article by Nancy B Solomon and others
Architectural record, vol. 192, no. 10, 2004 Oct., p. 153-174.

Ospedale pediatrico Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spagna 2003 [Gregorio Maranon paediatric hospital, Madrid, Spain 2003]; Architects: Rafael Moneo with Jose Maria de la Mata. Article by Jean-Marie Martin
Casabella, vol. 68, no. 721, 2004 Apr., p. 64-77.

Compacto y transparente: Hospital materno-infantil en la calle O’Donnell [Compact and transparent: Maternity hospital on O’Donnell Street, Madrid]; Architects: Rafael Moneo with Jose Maria de la Mata.
Arquitectura viva, no. 89/90, 2003 Mar./June, p. 144-149.

Rafael Moneo: Madrid, Houston, Cranbrook & LA. Article by Anton Capitel
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 332, 2003, p. [2-9]

Building types study: 811. Health care. Article by John E Czarnecki and others
Architectural record, vol. 190, no. 7, 2002 July, p.131-146.

n toute hospitalite: Groupe hospitalier Cochin – Maternite de Port-Royal [Hospital waiting room]; Architects: Claudine Dreyfus Article by Beatrice Loyer
Techniques & architecture, no. 416, 1994 Oct./Nov., p. 110.

Publicado por | 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:33 | Actualizado: 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:33 | PDF

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