Mendelshon, Eric

The Universum Theatri – conversion of Mendelsohn’s UFA into a theatre;Architects: of original cinema: Eric Mendelsohn, archt for conversion: Jurgen Sawade. Article by Gae Aulenti
Casabella, vol. 46, no. 479, 1982 Apr, p. 12-23.

Mendelsohn’s Universum – three articles; Architect in 1927-1928: Eric Mendelsohn, archt for conversion: Jurgen Sawade. Article by Bruno Zevi, Manfred Sack, and Vittorio Magnago-Lampugnani
Domus, no. 629, 1982 Jun, p. 16-25.

Theatre, Berlin, West Germany; Architects: Eric Mendelsohn, archt for conversion: Jurgen Sawade.
Article by Peter Davey
Architectural review, vol. 173, no. 1034, 1983 Apr, p. 68-75.

Renovation of Mendelsohn’s cinema ‘Universum’ for the Schaubuhne Theatre in Berlin; original archt: Eric Mendelsohn, archt for conversion: Jurgen Sawade.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 228, 1983 Sep, p. 50-57.

Traces of Mendelsohn: through the first projects in the land of exile, the unfettered imagination of the ‘expressionist’ architect. Article by David Palterer
Domus, no. 646, 1984 Jan, p. 4-9.

La Torre d’Einstein: un inici i un final. 1914-1921 [The Einstein Tower: a beginning and an end]; Architects: Eric Mendelsohn. Article by Manuel Gausa
Quaderns, no. 163, 1984 Oct./Dec., p. 50-55.

Documenti ritrovati: Mendelsohn e Carmel City [Rediscovered documents: Mendelsohn and Carmel City].
Article by Uriel M Adiv
Casabella, vol. 51, no. 533, 1987 Mar., p. 30-31.

Erich Mendelsohn: un’esposizione per il centenario [Erich Mendelsohn: an exhibition for his centenary].
Article by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
Domus, no. 684, 1987 June, p. 1-2.

Mendelsohn drawings at Cooper-Hewitt. Article by John Morris Dixon
Progressive architecture, vol. 69, no. 13 (12), 1988 Dec., p. 20.

Monuments modernes: comment les preserver? [Modern monuments: how to preserve them?].
Article by Marie-Jeanne Dumont
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 287, 1993 June, p. 46-53.

Modernism’s latterday heroes. Article by Ziva Freiman
Progressive architecture, vol. 76, no. 9, 1995 Sept., p. 78-85.

Selected detail. Modern reconstruction. Article by Ziva Freiman
Progressive architecture, vol. 76, no. 9, 1995 Sept., p. 100.

Special issue. Le fabbriche del novecento [Factories in the twentieth century].
Article by Gianni Agnelli, and others
Casabella, vol. 61, no. 651/652, 1997/1998 Dec./Jan., p. 2-171.

Itinerario Domus: 154 [Domus itinerary: 154]. Mendelsohn in Israele [Mendelsohn in Israel].
Article by Luigi Spinelli
Domus, no. 813, 1999 Mar., p. 111-118.

Special issue. The tragic in architecture. Article by Richard Patterson, and others
Architectural design, vol. 70, no. 5, 2000 Oct., p. 7-92.

Special issue. Mendelsohn. Article by Miguel Angel Baldellou, and others
Arquitectura (Madrid), no. 317, [1999], p. 8-94, 108-122.

La fotografia del CCA [Photography in the CCA]. Richard Pare, Portsmouth, Inghilterra, 1948. Centrale elettrica della Fabbrica tessile ‘Bandiera rossa’, San Pietroburgo (Eric Mendelsohn, 1926). 1999 [Richard
Pare, Portsmouth, England, 1948. Power station of the Red Flag textile factory, Saint Petersburg (Eric Mendelsohn, 1926). 1999]. Article by Richard Pare
Casabella, vol. 66, no. 704, 2002 Oct., p. 91.

Publicado por | 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:45 | Actualizado: 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:45 | PDF

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