Mobiliario urbano

Architecture today, no. 139, 2003 June, p. 77.

Montana heritage. Article by Don Brigham
Landscape architecture, vol. 92, no. 5, 2002 May, p. 30, 32.

Nottingham terraces; Architects: Marsh & Grochowski, with artist: Anish Kapoor.
Architecture today, no. 120, 2001 July, p. 99-103.

Mobilier urbain [Urban furniture]. Article by Beatrice Loyer
Techniques & architecture, no. 450, 2000 Oct./Nov., p. 112-120.

Objets lestes [Nimble objects]; Winning architects: Pierre Lafon. Article by Luc Baboulet
Moniteur architecture AMC, no. 111, 2000 Nov., p. 22.

Montana heritage. Article by Don Brigham
Landscape architecture,vol. 92, no. 5, 2002 May, p. 30, 32.

Paving and street furniture: magic carpet; Designers: Southwark Building Design Service.
Architecture today, no. 110, 2000 July, p. 81-82.

Urban street furniture and use of graphic design. Article by Alessandro Ubertazzi, and others
Casabella, vol. 46, no. 476/477, 1982 Jan/Feb, p. 46-63.

Publicado por | 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:58 | Actualizado: 20 de junio de 2012 - 09:58 | PDF

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