MVRDV Files 2: Projects 069-349: part 1. . By: Maas, Winy, 1959-.
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2007 Jan., n.1(436), entire issue (167p.).

MVRDV Files 2: Projects 069-349: part 2. . By: Maas, Winy, 1959-.
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2007 Jan., n.1(436), entire issue (167p.).

Silo revival: housing, Copenhagen, Denmark . By: Slessor, Catherine.
Architectural review, 2006 Nov., v.220, n.1317, p.86-[89].

Dekonzentrierte Konzentration: Ein Gespräch mit Winy Maas, MVRDV = Deconcentrated concentration . By: Maas, Winy, 1959-.
Detail, 2006 Mar., v.46, n.3, p.142-145.

Edificio de viviendas en Sanchinarro, Madrid = Block of flats in Sanchinarro, Madrid: MRDV – Winy Maas, Jacob von Rijs y Nathalie de Vries, y Blanca Lleó, arquitectos .
ON Diseño, 2006, n.276, p.[176]-189.

Parigi: i progetti per Les Halles . By: Galantino, Mauro.
Casabella, 2005 Dec.-2006 Jan., v.70, n.740, p.[84]-111.

The tiger blinks, the scorpion twitches [Busan, South Korea] . By: Cook, Peter, 1936-.
Architectural review, 2005 Nov., v.218, n.1305, p.37.

MVRDV: silos renovados, Copenhague = Renovated silos, Copenhagen (Denmark) .
AV monografías =AV monographs, 2005 Nov.-Dec., n.116, p.26-[31].

MVRDV wins first-ever Marcus Prize . By: Czarnecki, John E..
Architectural record, 2005 June, v.193, n.6, p.[33].

Conexión continental = Continental connection .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 Jan.-Apr., n.111-112, p.[23].

MVRDV & Blanca Lleó: edificio Mirador, Madrid = Mirador building, Madrid .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 Jan.-Apr., n.111-112, p.56-61.

MVRDV, SUPER-OS, CLIP: Matsudai Snow-Land Agrarian Culture Center .
Japan architect, 2004 Winter, n.52, p.77-78.

Las casas de las estrellas: el proyecto Sagaponac[k] = Homes of the stars: the Sagaponac[k] experience . By: Goldberger, Paul, 1950-.
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2004 July-Aug., n.108, p.116-121.

MVRDV, Winy Maas, West 8, Adrian Gueuze [sic] (paysagiste) .
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2004 May-June, n.352, p.64-67

Les Halles remettent le couvert . By: Roederer, Béatrice.
Architecture intérieure-Créé, 2004 May-June, n.314, p.38-47.

Les Halles: Paris à coeur ouvert . By: Fortin, Jean Patrick.
Moniteur architecture AMC, 2004 May, n.143, p.15-18

Modeliser la pluie et le beau temps: entretien avec Winy Maas, concepteur du logiciel climatizer . By: Maas, Winy, 1959-.
Moniteur architecture AMC, 2004 Apr., n.142, p.121-122

Serpentine Gallery: MVRDV .
Archis, 2004, n.6, p.65

MVRDV: pour une architecture décisive . By: Chabard, Pierre.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2004 Jan.-Feb., n.350, p.26-28

Manifesto vertical: bloque en el polígono de Sanchinarro, Madrid .
Arquitectura viva, 2004, n.97, p.50-[57

MVRDV: viviendas, Liuzhou = Housing, Liuzhou [China] .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2004, n.109-110, p.76-77.

Un vigía astral: centro cultural y agrario, Matsudai [Japan] .
Arquitectura viva, 2003 Nov.-Dec., n.93, p.78-[83

Architettura: accade domani = Architecture: it’s happening tomorrow . By: Irace, Fulvio.
Abitare, 2003 Oct., n.432, special issue, p.[362]-373.

MVRDV: Matsudai Snow-Land Agrarian Cultural Center, Matsudai, Hiigata, Japan 2000-2003 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2003 Sept., n.9(396), p.[88-93].

MVRDV: Hageneiland, Waterwijk [the Netherlands] .
Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, 2003 Apr., n.237, p.116-[127].

MVRDV created Silodam, colorful waterfront housing built at the end of a wharf near the former silos for which it is named . By: Metz, Tracy.
Architectural record, 2003 Mar., v.191, n.3, p.[114]-121.

Madrid 2012: plano-guía de las intevenciones .
Arquitectura viva, 2003 Mar.-June, n.89-90, p.[46]-[121

The new paradigm in architecture . By: Jencks, Charles, 1939-.
Architectural review, 2003 Feb., v.213, n.1272, p.72-77

Agora – dreams and visions: Latente Utopien, Graz . By: Schumacher, Patrik, 1961-.
Arca, 2003 Jan., n.177, p.36-49

Evenwichtskunst: MVRDV in Japan, Snow Land Agrarisch Cultureel Centrum = Balancing act: MVRVD in Japan, Snow Land Agrarian Cultural Centre . By: Daniell, Thomas.
Archis, 2003, n.5, p.76-89.

MVRDV sort ses interminables intérieurs de sa boîte gloutonne . By: Oosterman, Arjen, 1956-.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2003 Jan.-Feb., n.344, p.10-11

2002 en doce edificios = 2002 in twelve buildings . By: Fernández-Galiano, Luis, 1950-AV monografías = AV monographs, 2003 Jan.-Apr., n.99-100, p.216-223.

MVRDV files: Projects 002-209 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2002 Nov., n.11, special issue (232 p.).

Sperimentazione che diventa realtà = Built experiments . By: Betsky, Aaron.
Ottagono, 2002 Oct., v.37, n.154, p.94-101.

MVRDV: 119 viviendas (Hageneiland), La Haya = 119 dwellings (Hageneiland), The Hague (Holland) .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2002 Sept.-Oct., n.97, p.56-61

MVRDV: 157 viviendas con oficinas (Silodam), Amsterdam = 157 dwellings and offices (Silodam), Amsterdam (Holland) .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2002 Sept.-Oct., n.97, p.76-[83

Silo d’habitation sur l’eau, Amsterdam, Pay-Bas: MVRDV . By: Trelcat, Sophie.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2002 July-Aug., n.341, p.18-20.

Amsterdam: orange house . By: Zunino, Maria Giulia.
Abitare, 2002 May, n.417, p.290-[293].

MVRDV in collaboration with SUPER-OS: Matsudai Village Museum .
Japan architect, 2002 Spring, n.45, p.94-99.

MVRDV: 1998-2002 . By: Maas, Winy, 1959-.
Croquis, 2002, n.111, entire issue (275 p.).

MVRDV: Dutch pavilion .
Architecture today, 2000 Sept., n.111, p.21.

MVRDV: Quattro villa, Ypenburg, Hague, The Netherlands, 2000 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2000 Feb., n.2(353), p.[110]-115.

Périphériques-MVRDV: topologies combinatoires . By: Dumas, Sophie.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2000 Feb., n.326, p.84-[87].

Publicado por | 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:58 | Actualizado: 22 de junio de 2012 - 08:58 | PDF

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