Parques industriales

Barkow Leibinger: dining hall, Ditzingen, Germany . By: Slessor, Catherine.
Architectural review, 2007 Jan., v.221, n.1319, p.45.

Electra Park, West Ham, London: [Armstrong Bell Landscape Design] .
Landscape design, 2002 Dec.-2003 Jan., n.316, p.39

New building systems mimic nature and return to a biocentric approach to design . By: Solomon, Nancy B..
Architectural record, 2002 Sept., v.190, n.9, p.173-176,178,180.

Halle solaire, écoparc Hartberg, Steiermark, Autriche: Konrad Frey architecte . By: Dupas, Thierry.
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, 2002 Sept.-Oct., n.342, p.38.

Exhibition eco: solar building, Ecopark, Hartberg, Austria . By: Blundell-Jones, Peter.
Architectural review, 2002 Jan., v.211, n.1259, p.46-49.

Itinerario Domus: 156 [Domus itinerary: 156]. SNAM e Metanopoli [SNAM and Metanopoli]; Initial conception: Mario Bacciocchi. Article by Emanuele Fiano and Stefano Guidarini
Domus, no. 815, 1999 May, p. [i-viii] between p. 122 and 123.

Special issue. Friches industrielles et urbaines [Industrial and urban wasteland]. Article by J-M Hoyet, and others
Techniques & architecture, no. 432, 1997 June/July, p. 29-89.

Le Salitreras [The Salitreras: the nitrate company towns in the
north of Chile]. Article by Alfredo Andia
Spazio e societa, vol. 18, no. 73, 1996 Jan./Mar., p. 68-81.

Progetto Bicocca [The Bicocca project]; Architects: Gregotti Associati. Article by Augusto Cagnardi
Casabella, vol. 59, no. 626, 1995 Sept., p. 22-29, 69-70.

– Pre-engineered by design.
Architectural record, vol. 179, no. 10, 1991 Oct., p. 128-135.

Architecture interieure cree, no. 229, 1989 Apr./May, p. 80-85.

Shinkawa Electrics Hiroshima factory; Architects: Ken Yokogawa Architect & Associates. Article by Ken Yokogawa
Japan architect, vol 62, no. 7 (363), 1987 July, p. 42-45.

Italy today: urban working quarters.Article by C Richard Hatch
Progressive architecture, vol. 66, no. 4, 1985 Apr, p. 41-44.

Gillingham Industrial Park, phases 1 and 2; Architects: Nicholas Grimshaw &
Architecture d’aujourd’hui, no. 212, 1980 Dec, p. 46-47.

Edificios industriais [Industrial buildings]. Article by Cida Paiva, and others
Projeto, no. 142, 1991 June, p. 46-64.

The creation of an urban national park in Lowell, Mass., by restoring the 19th century industrial areas; archts and planners: Lowell Team, a joint venture of David A Crane & Ptnrs, Gelardin Bruner Cott Inc, and Michael Sand & Assocs.
Progressive architecture, vol. 59, no. 1, 1978 Jan, p. 100-101.

Honfleur: study for an industrial area in Normandy; Architects: SOPRA,
project archts: Jean-Paul Viguier, and Jean-Francois Jodry. Article by Jean-Philippe Lenclos
Architecture interieure cree, no. 171, 1979 May/Jun, p. 72-74.

Urban problem: opportunity of the ‘void’ (area of no current function or use,
such as abandoned industrial areas). Article by Bernardo Secchi, and others
Casabella, vol. 48, no. 503, 1984 Jun, p. 18-29.

Publicado por | 6 de julio de 2012 - 10:24 | Actualizado: 6 de julio de 2012 - 10:26 | PDF

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