Parques tecnológicos

Special issue. Las nuevas areas industriales [The new industrial areas]. Article by Michele Talia, and others
Urbanismo COAM, no. 11, 1990 Sept., p. 2-117.

Scelto il progetto per il Polo Tecnologico della Bicocca [The project is selected for the technological pole of Bicocca]; Winning project by: Gregotti Associati
Casabella, vol. 52, no. 548, 1988 July, p. 32-33.

Il polo tecnologico milanese [Milan’s technological pole]; Architects: Gregotti Associati
Article by Luigi Moiraghi
Arca, no. 40, 1990 July/Aug., p. 36-47.

Estudio del area de influencia del parque industrial y artesanal de Ambato; Propuesta parque industrial de Ambato [Study of the area of influence of Ambato’s industrial park; Proposals for the Ambato industrial park]. Article by Socrates Ulloa, and others
Trama, no. 26, 1982 Mar., p. 3-12.

Stadtbauwelt 120. Stadte ohne Arbeit? [City without employment?] Article by Felix Zwoch, and others
Bauwelt, vol. 84, no. 48, 1993 Dec. 27, p. 2584-2664.

Progetto Bicocca [The Bicocca project]; Architects: Gregotti Associati. Article by Augusto Cagnardi
Casabella, vol. 59, no. 626, 1995 Sept., p. 22-29, 69-70.

The creation of an urban national park in Lowell, Mass., by restoring the 19th century industrial areas; archts and planners: Lowell Team, a joint venture of David A Crane & Ptnrs, Gelardin Bruner Cott Inc, and Michael Sand & Assocs.
Progressive architecture, vol. 59, no. 1, 1978 Jan, p. 100-101.

Publicado por | 6 de julio de 2012 - 10:16 | Actualizado: 6 de julio de 2012 - 10:16 | PDF

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