Sant’Elia, Antonio

Antonio Sant’Elia. Article by Claudio Maneri
A&U, no. 2(88), 1978 Feb, p. 52-60.

Sant’Elia architetto, Sant’Elia futurista or the Achilles heel of Futurism. Article by Jorn-Peter Schmidt-Thomsen
Daidalos, no. 2, 1981 Dec 15, p. 36-44.

Sant’Elia: how the future was. Article by Joanna Wissinger
Progressive Architecture, vol. 67, no. 4, 1986 Apr., p. 34.

Special issue. Schichten und Schichtungen [Strata and stratifications]. Article by Kristiana Hartmann, and others
Daidalos, no. 42, 1991 Dec. 15, p. 22-131.

Antonio Sant’Elia: the architect and the manifesto. Article by Lebbeus Woods
A&U, no. 11 (266), 1992 Nov., p. 7-15.

Publicado por | 14 de septiembre de 2012 - 11:07 | Actualizado: 14 de septiembre de 2012 - 11:07 | PDF

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