Sejima, Kazuyo

Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany 2003-06 .
Japan architect, 2007 Winter, n.64, p.34-35,128.

Glass Pavilion Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, USA 2004-06 .
Japan architect, 2007 Winter, n.64, p.38-39,128.

Marine Station Naoshima, Kagawa Pref. 2003-06 .
Japan architect, 2007 Winter, n.64, p.40-41,128.

Takahashi + T. Sekkei, C. Hawley + Sanny, K. Sejima + Y. Sekkei, E. Diller + Misaki: edilizia residenziale pubblica, Kitagata, Prefettura di Gifu, Giappone . By: Isozaki, Arata, 1931-.
Casabella, 2007 May, v.71, n.755, p.52-59.

SANAA’s Sejima and Nishizawa create layers of reflections and perspectives in their Glass Pavilion at the Toledo Museum of Art . By: Pearson, Clifford A..
Architectural record, 2007 Jan., v.195, n.1, p.[78]-83

Glassmuseum in Toledo = Glass pavilion in Toledo .
Detail, 2007 Jan.-Feb., v.46, n.1-2, p.35-40,145.

Clarity and light: museum, Toledo, Ohio, USA . By: Webb, Michael, 1937-.
Architectural review, 2006 Nov., v.220, n.1317, p.[66]-[71].

Onishi Hall [Gunma, Japan] .
Japan architect, 2006 Winter, n.60, p.46-47.

Spazio publico di cristallo = Crystal-clear public space [Kazuyo Sejima’s design for a multipurpose building in the hills of Onishimachi, Japan] . By: Igarashi, Taro.
Domus, 2006 Sept., n.895, p.[88]-[95].

Designs on business: management and design school, Essen, Germany . By: Slessor, Catherine.
Architectural review, 2006 Apr., v.219, n.1310, p.68-69.

Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa – SANAA: mostra alla Basilia Palladiana, Vicenza .
Casabella, 2006 Feb., v.70, n.741, p.[74]-77.

Architettura diagramma – come realizzare un edificio-diagramma: le architetture di Kazuy Sejima e Ryue Nishizawa = Architecture diagram – how to realize a building-diagram: the architecture of Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa .
Lotus international, 2006, n.127, p.[66]-77.

Die integrante Planung der Zollverein School of Management and Design = Integrated planning of the Zollverein School of Management and Design . By: Techen, Holger.
Detail, 2005 Dec., v.45, n.12, p.1466-1470.

Two houses that breathe: what is told by the small houses by Kazuyo Sejima and Terunobu Fujimori . By: Ito, Toyo, 1941-.
Japan architect, 2005 Winter, n.56, p.4-8.

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishigawa Prefecture .
Japan architect, 2005 Winter, n.56, p.18-21.

Kazuyo Sejima & Associates: centro civico ad Onishi, Gunma, Giappone .
Casabella, 2005 Nov., v.69, n.738, p.[86]-95.

Museum in Kanazawa = Museo Kazanawa = Musée áà Kazanawa = Museo en Kanazawa .
Detail, 2005 Apr., v.45, n.4, p.344-350.

Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa-SANAA: Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2005 Feb., n.2(413), p.[64]-69.

Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa designed the 21st Century Museum in Kanazawa as a icon of see-through Modernism . By: Pollock, Naomi R..
Architectural record, 2005 Feb., v.193, n.2, p.[88]-[97].

Ampliación del IVAM: SANAA (Sejima y Nishizawa) .
Arquitectura viva, 2005, n.103, p.82-83.

Enagua de seda: edificio para Dior en Omotesando, Tokio .
Arquitectura viva, 2005, n.100, p.92-[97].

Prismas por el aro – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Kanazawa: SANAA – Sejima y Nishizawa .
Arquitectura viva, 2005, n.104, p.114-121.

2004 en doce edificios = 2004 in twelve buildings . By: Fernández-Galiano, Luis, 1950-. AV monografías = AV monographs, 2005 Jan.-Apr., n.111-112, p.260-267.

Kritisch betrachtet: Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Kanazawa = A critical view: the 21st Century Museum of contemporary Art in Kanazawa . By: Daniell, Thomas.
Detail, 2005 Jan.-Feb., v.45, n.1-2, p.28-29.

Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA): Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion, Toledo, Ohio, 2001-2007 .
Lotus international, 2005, n.125, p.[10]-17.

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art [Kanazawa] . By: Grima, Joseph.
Domus, 2004 Dec., n.876, p.[18]-45.

Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa – SANAA: Dior Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan 2003 .
A & U: architecture & urbanism, 2004 July, n.7(406), p.5851.

Kazuyo Sejima & Associates: casa en un huerto de ciruelos, Tokio (Japón) = House in a plum grove, Tokyo (Japan) .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2004 July-Aug., n.108, p.88-[93].

Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa – SANAA: Dior Omotesando .
Japan architect, 2004 Summer, n.54, p.72-81.

Né sous une bonne étoile: boutique Dior, Tokyo . By: Blaisse, Lionel.
Architecture intérieure-Créé, 2004 Mar.-Apr., n.313, p.92-97.

Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa – SANAA: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa .
Japan architect, 2004 Spring, n.53, p.48-55.

Sejima & Nishizawa: círculo de interacción = Circle of interaction .
AV monografías = AV monographs, 2004, n.109-110, p.204-205.

Il nido nel frutteto dei prugni = Plum grove nest . By: Ota, Kayoko.
Domus, 2004 Jan., n.866, p.64-73.

Toledo Museum of Art Center for Glass will be first U.S. building by Sejima and Nishizawa . By: Keegan, Edward.
Architectural record, 2002 July, v.190, n.7, p.[29].

Publicado por | 17 de septiembre de 2012 - 10:01 | Actualizado: 17 de septiembre de 2012 - 10:01 | PDF

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