The Architectural Review N°1400 (2013)

Architectural review 1400
15 Editorial view

16 Overview
Launch of the London School of ARchitecture; architectural education Summit; Lisbon Architecture Triennale; architecture and politics debate; Aga Khan Awards

26 Broader view
Weaving and knotting as the origins of all making

29 View from

31 Viewpoints
Michael Sorkin

32 Global Architecture Graduate Awards
Winners of the AR’s student competition

82 RMIT Practice Research Programme
Leon an Schaik; Tom Holbrook, Deborah Saunt

88 NTNU, Trondheim
Where live projects are an essential part of the curriculum

91 Typology
Opera houses

106 Reviews
Joze Plecnik; the architecture of war; Piranesi’s Paestum; Archidoodle; a history of architectural preservation

112 Pedagogy
Women in architecture

114 Reputations
Adolf Loos

122 Folio
Pezo von Ellrichshausen

Publicado por | 14 de noviembre de 2013 - 09:23 | Actualizado: 14 de noviembre de 2013 - 09:23 | PDF

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