AA files n°71 (2015)


3 Paradise on Erft
William Firebrance

27 How To Say Nothing With Sincerity
Andrew Crompton

30 In Conversation with Kevin Roche
Thomas Weaver

48 Deus ex Moline
Piers Gough

50 The Multiple Lives of Gabriel Guevrekian
Hamed Khosravi

64 Two Continuos Monuments
Nicholas Olsberg

68 Tallinn in Technicolour
Andres Kurg

75 Circles, Circuits, Cycles
Cristóbal Ammunátegui

90 The Euston Folly
Adrian Forty

92 Triptych for an Ideal Museum
Eva Branscome

104 Heatwave, or The Megastructure as Eden
Charles Rice

113 Peripheral Odyssey
Chris Blencowe & Judith Levine

121 A Life Less Ordinary
Andri Gerber

129 Thomas Daniell

147 Do You Remember Conterrevolution?
Pier Vittorio Aureli

166 Come for Porchetta
Niall Hobhouse & Tina Di Carlo

168 Contributors

Publicado por | 27 de abril de 2016 - 12:08 | Actualizado: 27 de abril de 2016 - 12:08 | PDF

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