AA files n°72 (2016)

3 The Good, the Bad and the Malaparte
Davide Spina

20 In Conversation with Itsuko Hasegawa
Thomas Daniell

40 Descent from Paradise
Mario Tedeschini-Lalli

57 Stirling’s Arrow
Laurent Stalder & Moritz Gleitch

68 Excursus on Contessa Priuli, with a poscript by Daniel Naegele
Colin Rowe

73 The Nature of Gothic
Irénée Scalbert

96 Cathedral
Peter St John

98 Paolo’s Triangolo
Silvia Micheli & Léa-Catherine Szacka

107 Introduction to La matematica della ville ideale, with a postcript by Daniel Sherer
Paulo Berdini

115 Noah’s Ark
Hubert Damish

127 The Hideous Duty of Isaiah Berlin
Nicolas Kemper

134 In Conversation with Alexander Brodsky
Thomas Weaver

152 The Wanderer
Emma Letizia Jones

161 The Lost(First) Chamber of the House of Commons
Henrik Schoenefeldt

174 Bawa’s Rolls
Max Moya

176 Contributors

Publicado por | 22 de agosto de 2016 - 12:27 | Actualizado: 22 de agosto de 2016 - 12:27 | PDF

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