Architectura Today nº 266 (2016)



04 Books
Spaces in space: David Nixon’s ‘International Space Station’

06 Books
‘Hidden Urbanism’ is a useful primer on the Moscow Metro – one of the twentieth century’s great artistic creations, finds Owen Hatherley.

10 Learning from
A long but formative lecture by Kisho Kurakawa continues to resonate after 40 years, recalls Graham Morrison.


12 Building
Ludic layers: Asif Khan’s elevated play structure saves space at an east London primary school.

14 Building
Dow Jones Architects shows due care for both community and history in openning up the crypt of Christ Church Spitalfields, finds Patrick Lynch.

22 Building
A rough-hewn London bookshop by Selgas Cano is a counterpoint to the formless ubiquity of digital commerce and content.

26 Building
David Kohn explores Herzog & De Meuron’s Blavatnik School of Goverment at the University of Oxford.

38 Building
Urban wavelength: Peter Cook applauds the intelligence of Ian Ritchie Architects’ Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.

52 Building
Residents played a central role in regeneration of the Bacton Low Rise Estate, finds Fiona Scott.


60 Envelope
Haverstock’s stone-clad Black Rock police training centre sits discreetly in a disused quarry.

64 Envelope
Import Export Architecture’s theatre in Mechelen, Belgium, is clad in creased copper panels.

68 Products

My Kind of Town

72 Amanda Levete
An expression of its inhabitants’ relationship to craft and place.

Publicado por | 10 de junio de 2016 - 11:19 | Actualizado: 10 de junio de 2016 - 11:19 | PDF

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