Architectural Design 1 (2017)

4D HYPERLOCAL: A Cultural Toolkit for the Open Source City

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

5 About the Guest-Editor
Lucy Bullivant

6 Introduction: The Hyperlocal
Less Smart City, More Shared Social Value
Lucy Bullivant

16 Practices of the Minimun Viable Utopia
Adam Greenfield

26 The Posthuman City
Imminent Urban Commons
Alejandro Zaera Polo

36 Projective Empowerment
Co-creative Sustainable Design Processes
Bess Krietemeyer

44 Biodigital Design Workflows
ecoLogicStudio’s Solana Open Aviary in Ulcinj, Montenegro
Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto

50 The Hackable City
Citymaking in a Platform Society
Martijn de Waal, Michiel de Lange and Matthijs Bouw

58 From Citizen Participation to Real Ownership
Driving the Regeneration of Amsterdam’s Amstel3 District
Saskia Beer

64 Imagined Community and Networked Hyperlocal Publics
John Bingham Hall

72 Conflict Urbanism, Aleppo
Mapping Urban Damage
Laura Kurgan

78 Suburban Resonance in Segrate, Milan
The Lenguage of Locative Media in Defining Urban Sensitivity
Raffaele Pe

86 Voice Over
Citizen Empowerment Through Cultural Infraestructure
Usman Haque

92 Digital Neighourhoods
Hyperlocal Village Hubs in Rural Communities
Katharine Willis

98 Sentiment Architectures as Vehicles for Participation
Moritz Behrens

104 AD 4D Hyperlocal Would Like to Use Your Current Location
Will Gowland and Samantha Lee

110 The Image of a Data City
Studying the Hyperlocal with Social Media
Lev Manovich and Agustin Indaco

118 Check In
Foursquare and the Rich Annotated Topology of Citizen-Generated Hyperlocal Data
José Luis de Vicente

126 Counterpoint
Tell ‘Em They’ re Dreaming
Mark Burry

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 29 de marzo de 2017 - 09:04 | Actualizado: 29 de marzo de 2017 - 09:04 | PDF

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