Architectural Design 3 (2013)

The New Pastoralism: Landscape into architecture

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest Editor
Mark Titman

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introduction
Dualism is Dead; Long Live the Pastoral
Mark Titman

20 Samuel Palmer and the Pastoral Vision
Colin Harrison

26 The Golden Age: Between Wilderness and Utopia
Dominic Shepherd

32 ‘You Can Touch But Do Not Read’: The ‘Future Rustic’ Work of Kathryn Findlay
Mark Titman

40 The Land of Scattered Seeds
John Puttick

48 Wild City: MVRDV – Weaving Nature and the Urban
Marta Pozo Gil

56 Surviving Versus Living: Nature and Nurture
May Leung

60 Origin o Species
Michael Sorkin

68 Quit the Grey Limbo and Return to Paradise
Matthew Cannon and Mascia Gianvanni

74 Brave New Now
Liam Young

82 Dirty Futures: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mother Nature
Geoff Ward

86 The Persistence of the Pastoral
Nic Clear

94 Landscape Utopianism: Information, Ecology and Generative Pastoralism
Gregory Marinic

100 Digital Cottage Industries
Mike Aling

106 iPastoral
Mark Morris

112 Exist-Stencil
Jeffrey James

118 Open Fields: The Next Rural Design Revolution
Alastair Parvin

126 Next-Door Instructions
Francois Roche

134 Pastoral Manoeuvres: Ecologies of City, Nature and Practice
Duncan Bernsten

138 Counterpoint
Et in Arcadia ego Et in Arcadia est
Kevin Rhowbotham

142 Contributors

Publicado por | 9 de mayo de 2013 - 08:23 | Actualizado: 9 de mayo de 2013 - 08:24 | PDF

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