Architectural Design 5 (2013)

Architectural design 5 2013
Drawing architecture

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the guest editor
Neil Spiller

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introduction
Architectural Drawing: Grasping for the Fifth Dimension
Neil Spiller

20 All Night Long: The Architectural Jazz of the Texas Rangers
Mark Morris

28 Emerging Technologies and Drawings: The Futures of Images in Architectural Design
Mark Garcia

36 Two Sides of the Page: The Antiifact and the Artefact
Bryan Cantley

44 New Malacovia
Pascal Bronner

50 AVATAR: Nothing is Impossible
Neil Spiller

56 A World Below
Perry Kulper

64 A Two Speed Lanscape: The Reforestation of the Thames Estuary
Tom Noonan

70 Drawing Time
Nic Clear

80 Looking and Drawing
Peter Cook

88 Augmented Landscapes and Delicate Machinery
Mark Smout and Lara Allen

94 Plug-In, Clip-On, Tune-Up: A throwaway Architecture with Optional Extras
Simon Herron

102 London Short Stories: Drawing Narratives
CJ Lim

108 Dragon Adrift: The New Chinese Landscape
Nancy Wolf

112 The Poetics of the Island of Vessels
Neil Spiller

120 Bildungsroman Series: Architectural Drawings Save Us From Philosophical Bankruptey?
Mas Yendo

128 Conterpoint
The Art of Drawing
Maria Carpo

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 28 de noviembre de 2013 - 08:12 | Actualizado: 28 de noviembre de 2013 - 08:12 | PDF

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