Architectural Design 5 (2015)

Fusing the Physical and the Computationalarchdesign5.15

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest
Achim Menges

8 Introduction. Fusing the Computational and the Physical.
Towards a Novel Material Culture
Achim Menges

16 The New Materiality
Manuel DeLanda

22 The New Science of Form-Searching
Mario Carpo

28 The New Cyber-Physical Making in Architecture
Computational Construction
Achim Menges

34 Self-X Materials and Structures in Nature and Technology
Bio-inspiration as a Driving Force for Technical Innovation
Thomas Speck, Jan Knippers and Olga Speck

40 Fibrous Tectonics
Achim Menges and Jan Knippers

48 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012
Coreless Filament Winding Based on the Morphological Principles of an Arthropod Exoskeleton
Jan Knippers, Riccardo La Magna, Achim Menges, Steffen Reichert, Tobias Schwinn, Fréderic Waimer

54 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14
Modular Coreless Filament Winding Based on Beetle Elytra
Moritz Doerstelmann, Jan Knippers, Achim Menges, Stefana Parascho, Marshall Prado, Tobias Schwinn

60 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilon 2014-15
Fiebre Placement on a Pneumatic Body Based on a Water Spider Web.
Moritz Doerstelmann, Jan Knippers, Valentin Koslowski, Achim Menges, Marshall Prado, Gundula Schieber, Lauren Vasey

66 Performative Wood
Physically Programming the Responsive Architecture of the HygroScope and HygroSkin Projects
Achim Menges and Steffen Reinchert

74 Structural Stone Surfaces. New Compression Shells Inspired by the Past
Philippe Block, Tom Van Mele and Matthias Rippmann

80 Membrane Morphologies
Heterogeneous Forces and Articulated Material Form
Sean Ahlquist

86 Granular Morphologies
Programming Material Behaviour with Designed Aggregates
Karola Dierichs and Achim Menges

92 Fabrication Agency
Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall
Tobias Schwinn and Achim Menges

100 Templating Design for Biology and Biology for Design
Neri Oxman

108 Hacking Science. The ALivE Group’s Material Design Methods for Interdisciplinary Environments
Martin Bechthold and Allen Sayegh

114 Computational Desing and Automotive Material Gestalt
Cross-disciplinary Design Research by the Mercedes-Benz Center of Advanced Desgin and the Institute for Computational Design (ICD), University of Stuttgart
Bastian Baudy, Steffen Koehl, Achim Menges and Steffen Reichert

122 Macrofabrication with Digital Materials. Robotic Assembly
Neil Gershenfeld, Matthew Carney, Benjamin Jenett, Sam Calisch and Spencer Wilson

128 Counterpoint. Actualising (Overlooked). Material Capacities
Branko Kolarevic

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 21 de octubre de 2015 - 14:26 | Actualizado: 21 de octubre de 2015 - 14:26 | PDF

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