Architectural Design 6 (2013)

architectural design 6.13
The Architecture of transgression

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the guest editor
Jonathan Mosley and Rachel Sara

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introduction
The Architecture of Transgression: Towards a Destabilishing Architecture
Jonathan Mosley and Rachel Sara

20 Transgression: The Concept
Chris Jenks

24 Extenuating Circumstances: Salvaged Landscape
Catie Newell

32 Architecture and Transgression: An Interview with Bernard Tschumi
Jonathan Mosley and Rachel Sara

38 Transgression and Progress in China: Wang Shu and the Literati Mindset
Edward Denison and Guangyu Ren

44 Not Doing/Overdoing: ‘Omision’ and ‘Excess’ Lacaton & Vasal’s Place Léon Aucoc, Bordeaux, and Construire’s Le Channel, Scéne Nationale de Calais, Calais
Robin Wilson

52 Citadels of Freedom: Lina Bo Bardi’s SESC Pompéia Factory Leisure Centre and Teatro Oficina, Sao Paulo
Rachel Sara

58 Tactics for a Transgressive Practice
Doina Petrescu and Constantin Petcou

66 Low-Tech Transgression: The Interventional Work of EXYZT
Alex Römer and Naïm Aït-Sidhoum

70 Occupied Space
Louis Rice

76 The Power of Logic Versus the Logic of Power: N55
Ion Sorvin

82 Informalising Architecture: The Challenge of Informal Settlements
Kim Dovey

90 Architecture (and the other 99%): Open Source Architecture and the Design Commons
Alastair Parvin

96 An Architecture of Exception: Transgressing the Everyday – Superflex’s Flooded Mc Donald’s
Jonathan Mosley

102 Transgression in and of the City
Can Altay

110 Urban Disturbance: Urban Intrusions of the office for subversive architecture (osa)
Ulrich Beckfeld and Karsten Huneck

114 City as Skin: Urban Imaginaries of Flesh and Fantasy
Silvia Loeffler

120 In Praise of Transgression: The Work of Didier Faustino/Bureau de Mésarchitectues
Didier Faustino

124 Ashes Thrown to the Wind: The Elusive Nature of Transgression
David Littlefied

130 Counterpoint
Transgression, Innovation, Politics
Patrik Schumacher

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 18 de marzo de 2014 - 11:46 | Actualizado: 18 de marzo de 2014 - 11:46 | PDF

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