Architectural Design 6 (2015)

Mass-customised cities

5 Editorial.
Helen Castle

6 About the Guest-Editor
Tom Verebes

8 Introduction. Cities and Their Specificities.
Standars, Customs and the Making of 21st-Century Urbanity
Tom Verebes

18 Mass Customisation and Standarisation
An Urban Dialectic
Martin Bressani

24 Towards a Distinctive Urbanism
An interwiev with Kenneth Frampton
Tom Verebes

32 Miesian Grids and the Domain of Ink
Elena Manferdini

40 Standarising Heterogeneity
Public Housing and the Absent(ed) Architect
Michael Bell

48 From Mass Customisation to Design ‘Democratisation’
Branko Kolarevic

54 On Modelling Complexity and Urban Form
M Christine Boyer

60 Samsung Raemian Housing Masterplan, Haan River, Seoul, Korea: Contemporary Architecture Practice
Hina Jamelle and Ali Rahim

64 (In)formational Cities
Neil Leach

70 Growth Typologies, Localities and Defamiliarisation
Experiments with Artificial Urbanism in Sichuan, Guangzhou and Beijing
Jeffrey Huang

76 Shanghai Lilong Tower Urbanism, Shanghai, China: Rocker-Lange Architects
Christian J Lange

80 Permanence and Change
An Interview with Mark Burry
Donald Bates

86 The Repulse Bay Complex, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong: davidclovers
David Erdman and Clover Lee

92 Catalytic Urbanism
The Role of customized Design Solutions in Delivering Transformational Urban Change
Elad Eisenstein

104 Engineering Urban Complexity
Bespoke Integrated Design
Rob May

110 Archi-Union Architects, City of Breeze, Shenzhen Bay, Shenzen, China
Philip F Yuan

114 Technological Transitions, Industrial Innovations and the Marching Chinese Urban Revolution
An Interview with Jerry Ku and Philip Vernon of E-Grow, Shanghai
Ton Verebes

122 Automated Diversity: Gramazio Kohler Research
New Morphologies of Vertical Urbanism
Jan Willmann, Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler

128 Counterpoint
Cities on the Edge of Chaos
Colin Fournier

134 Contributors

Publicado por | 28 de enero de 2016 - 12:13 | Actualizado: 28 de enero de 2016 - 12:13 | PDF

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