Architectural Design N°1 (2012) London (Re)Generation

Architectural Design N°1

5          Editorial

Helen Castle

6          About the Guest Editor

David Littlefield

8          Introduction

(Re)generation: Place, Memory, Identity

David Littlefield

14        The Global Architectural Influences on London

Murray Fraser

22        London Bridge. The shard

Edward Denison

28        Approaches to Regeneration

Peter Bishop

32        King’s Cross

David Littlefield

36        The London Way: The Politics of London’s Strategic Design

Matthew Carmona

44        Bankside urban forest

David Littlefield

50        NEO Bankside

Matthew Gandy

54        Urban Regeneration as Self Organisation

Michael Batty

60        Olympic Park, Stratford

Hattie Hartman

66        What is a City?

Austin Williams

70        White City: The art of erasure and forgetting the Olympic Games

David Littlefield

78        A new overground line and the sense of place

Robert Harbison

82        Battersea. Nine Elms

Edward Denison

86        The role of the Estates: from Agriculture to Urbiculture

Sir Terry Farrell

92        Trompes L’Oeil

Mike Devereux

98        The power of the image

Louis Rice

102      Centring on the Olympic Fringe

Steven Tomlinson

108      The Thames

Sir Richard Mac Cormac

112      Some key figures in London’s Regeneration

Peter Murray

120      Elephant and castle

David Littlefield

124      Works In/On/Around// Behind Progress

Hilary Powell

128      Where does the city end??

Matthew Gandy

Publicado por | 22 de marzo de 2012 - 09:18 | Actualizado: 11 de mayo de 2012 - 16:32 | PDF

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