Architectural Design N°5 – City Catalyst: Architecture in the age of extreme urbanization (2012)

5 Editorial
Helen Castle

6 About the guest editors
Alexander Eisenschmidt

8 Spotlight
Visual highlights of the issue

14 Introduction
Stranger Than Fiction: A Mision Statement
Alexander Eisenschmidt

18 The City’s Architectural Project: From Formless City to forms of Architecture
Alexander Eisenschmidt

26 Patrons & Prototypes: Walmart’s Catalytic Urbanism
Jesse LeCavalier

36 Localising the Global
Kyong Park

42 Revolution of the Ordinary
Daniela Fabricius

50 China’s Macro-Planning Policies: Architectural Catalyst or Constraint?
Edward Denison

58 We Will Be Making Active Form
Keller Easterling

64 Counterpoints With Crisis
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss

70 Metropol Parasol, Seville
Jürgen Mayer H

74 The Perfect Storm: Urbanism and Architecture
Ron Witte

80 The Unified Project
Albert Pope

88 Void Metabilism
Yohiharu Tsukamoto

94 Urban Wash
Sean Lally

98 African Water Cities
Kunlé Adeyemi

102 Make No Big Plans
Michelle Provoost and Wouter Vanstiphout

108 Shape and the City
RE Somol

114 Too Big To Fail
Sarah Dunn and Martin Felsen

120 Parc Des Expositons (PEX), Toulouse: A Condenser for Diversity
Clement Balnchet

124 Dancing with Entropy
Adriaan Geuze and Matthew Skjonsberg

130 Importing the City into Architecture: An Interview with Bernard Tschumi
Alexander Eisenschmidt

136 Counterpoint
Hello Stranger: Phenomenology and Topography of the Megacity
Caroline bos

142 Contributors

Publicado por | 31 de octubre de 2012 - 08:09 | Actualizado: 31 de octubre de 2012 - 08:09 | PDF

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