Architectural Review N°1381 (2012)

15 Editorial view
Setting the agenda for a new theory of architecture.

16 Overview
James Dunnett explores the Gosprom’s restoration; Palestinian heritage; Martin Charles remembered.

20 Broader view
Mindy Thompson Fullilove advocates erasing the barriers between rich and poor to create a healthier urban society.

22 View form…
Villem Tomiste discovers a newfound pride and optimism for the future in the revitalized capital of Estonia, Tallin.

23 Viewpoints
William JR Curtis pierces the sokescreens of jargon to uncover a deeper historical perspective on architecture.

24 Your views
Letters respond to Patrik Schumacher’s attack on British architecture schools and the The Big Rethink campaign.

26 Stuttgart City Library, Germany
A luminous cube holds a civilized world of learning

36 Liyuan Library, Jiaojiehe Village, Beijing, China
A modest wooden structure connects with nature

42 Surrey City Centre Library, Metro Vancouver, Canada
A concrete volume opens up a dramatic play of light

50 New film Theatre of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
A theatre proves to be a catalyst for cultural renewal

60 Water Cathedral and Color Shadows, Santiago de Chile
A young architects’ initiative brings a flourish of pavilions

67 Campaign: The Big Rethink
Peter Buchanan introduces a new framework for 21 st century architecture, based on Integral theory

82 Reviews
Alternative ways of doing architecture; Cities under siege; A snapshot of Andreas Gusky; RCA/AR Future Frontiers Lecture; Integral design theory; Sustaining sustainability

90 Pedagogy
FAUUSP in Brazil identifies the value of an urban dialectic

92 Reputations
The life story of a modern kingmaker: Philip Johnson

98 Folio
Aldo van Eyck sketches a Catholic church in The Hague

Publicado por | 30 de abril de 2013 - 11:02 | Actualizado: 30 de abril de 2013 - 11:04 | PDF

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