Architecture Today 264 (2016)



06 Exhibitions
Webb design: a V&A show marks the centenary of the death of Philip Webb; ‘Mavericks’ at the Royal Academy brings together 12 disparate architects.

08 Books
Timothy Brittain-Catlin enjoys Douglas Murphy’s cultural history of architecture’s last great utopian age.

11 Learning from
The publication of the Team 10
Primer opened a new world of architectural potential and personalities for John McKean.


14 Buildings
MK Menhir by Sam Jacob Studio is a monument to Milton Keynes’techno-pagan ancestry.

16 Buildings
A crafted mixed-use building by Käferstein & Meister draws on Zurich’s industrial heritage, finds Jonathan Sergison.

24 Building.
BDP’s University of Essex
Business School is an object lesson in clever design that seeks to engage with its parkland site, says John Lyall.

32 Building
A pair of mixed-use buildings in Cictoria, London, by Lynch Architects embody the virtues of civicness, generosity, tectonic authenticity and decorum, says David Grandorge.

London housing peer reviewed: Jean-Paul Jaccaud assesses the Corner House by DSDHA, while DSDHA’s Deborah Saunt examines Jaccaud-Zein’s work at Shepherdess Walk.


54 Refurbishment
A 1950s office building in north London has been reconfigured as a multi-screen cinema by Panter Hudspith.

60 A low-cost, high impact renovation by Sarah Wigglesworth Architects secures a block of artist’ studios in east London.

63 Products

My Kind of Town

64 Jeremy Young
It is magnificently uncool and rubs people up the wrong way.

Publicado por | 27 de abril de 2016 - 12:43 | Actualizado: 27 de abril de 2016 - 12:43 | PDF

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