A+U n°554 (2016)

Hermann Czech

16 Essay: Hermann Czech and the Disappearance of Architecture
Christian Kühn

24 “Less” or “More” – Introduction
Apartment house Petrusgasse
Kurhaus restaurant Baden-Baden
Biennale 2000
Spatial Urban Planning

34 Methods
Winter glazing Opera loggia
Convertible roof over Graben
M House
Exhibition The Vienna Circle
Exhibition Schubert97
Exhibition von hier aus Düsseldorf

58 Irony
Transformation Schwarzenberg Palais
S House
Pavilion Frankfurt Palmengarten
Furnishing Swiss Re Centre, Zurich
Antiquarian Bookshop Löcker & Wögenstein

82 The Existent
Café in Museum of Applied Arts
Terrace Housing Brunnengasse
Rosa Jochmann Elementary School
Stadtparksteg Pedestrian bridge
Urbani House transformation
Conversion Apartment with tower Bäckerstraße
Rooftop Günthergasse
Paltaufgasse Block development at elevated underground terminal
Gloriette transformation

112 Pluralism
Kleines Café
Wine House PUNKT
Fair Hotel
Villa addition / renovation Altenberg
“Housing for Generations” Mühlgrund
Exhibition Wunderblock (History of the Modern Soul)
Exhibition Vienna 1938

140 Project List

Publicado por | 27 de diciembre de 2016 - 14:47 | Actualizado: 27 de diciembre de 2016 - 14:47 | PDF

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