AV Proyectos N° 60 (2013)

av proyectos 60
City Cultural Center, a Cosmopolitan Taichung (Taiwan)

10 Jean-Loup Baldacci
12 Eisenman Architects
14 Mass Studies
16 Stücheli Architekten

Flinders Street Station, Competition in Melbourne (Australia)

20 Herzog & de Meuron / Hassell
24 ARM (Ashton Raggatt McDougall)
26 Grimshaw / Wardle
28 Hadid / BVN Donovan Hill
30 NH Architecture
32 Velásquez / Pineda / Medina

Bamboo in Asia, Four Experiences

36 Atelier Bow-Wow / SDM Architects
BMW Guggenheim Lab, Mumbai (India)
40 H&P Architects
Blooming Bamboo Home, Hanoi (Vietnam)
44 Mu Wei / Sam Cho / Yu Hui
City in the Sky, Wuhan (China)
48 Vo Trong Nghia
Wind and Water Bar, Binhduong (Vietnam)
De Rotterdam, a Vertical City in Detail
54 OMA
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Dionisio González, Two Exhibitions in Madrid (Spain)
70 ‘Around. Dionisio González’, Sala Canal de Isabel II
‘Le Corbusier: The Last Project’, Ivorypress
David Maisel, Cartographic Photographs
76 Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime

Publicado por | 7 de marzo de 2014 - 10:57 | Actualizado: 7 de marzo de 2014 - 10:57 | PDF

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