AV Proyectos N° 62 (2014)

Europan 12

Europan 12, Spanish Winners

6 ‘Rambles Verdes’, Barcelona (Spain)
8 ‘Inserciones Urbanas’, Barcelona (Spain)
10 ‘El patio de Don Benito’, Don Benito (Spain)
12 ‘Piztutako Irimo’, Urretxu (Spain)
14 ‘Open’, Amstetten (Austria)
16 ‘Twinphenomena’, Höganäs (Sweden)
18 ‘Conservation, Density and Complexity’, Kalmar (Sweden)
20 ‘Fasten your seat belt!’, Kaufbeuren (Germany)
22 ‘Synergie’, Seraing (Belgium)
24 ‘On the Edge’, Warsaw (Poland)

Axel Springer, New Campus in Berlin

28 OMA
30 BIG
32 Büro Ole Scheeren

Zaryadye Park, Moscow’s New Green Lung

36 Diller Scofidio + Renfro / Hargreaves / Citymakers
40 TPO Reserve / Latz + Partner / Maxwan

Shelters for Animals, Bees, Bats and Birds

46 ARUP Associates
Insect Hotel, London (UK)

47 Nendo
Bird Apartment, Komoro (Japan)

48 Creenan / Mastalinski / Stern / Nead / Selin
Elevator B’ Tower for Bees, Buffalo (USA)

50 Menthol Architects
Tower for Swifts, Warsaw (Poland)

52 Ants of the Prairie
Bat Tower in Griffis Sculpture Park, East Otto (USA)

54 70 F
Petting Farm, Almere (Netherlands)

‘La Nuvola’ Congress Center in Detail
58 Massimiliano Fuksas and Doriana Fuksas
Rome (Italy)

Marcel Gautherot, Brasilia Under Construction

76 A Brazilian Modernist

Publicado por | 4 de septiembre de 2014 - 10:20 | Actualizado: 4 de septiembre de 2014 - 10:20 | PDF

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