AV Proyectos N.º 77 (2016)

Dossier SANAA, Seven Projects

6 La Samaritaine, Paris (France)
10 Tsuruoka Cultural Center, Yamagata (Japan)
12 Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem (Israel)
14 Hitachi City Hall, Ibaraki (Japan)
16 New National Gallery, Liget Budapest, Budapest (Hungary)
20 The New Shiga Museum of Art, Shiga (Japan)
22 Sydney Modern Project, Sydney (Australia)

Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), New Wing Competition

28 Burgos & Garrido / LLAMA Urban Design
32 Lopes Brenna, Moramarco + Ventrella, Filippo Bolognese
34 SMAR Architecture Studio
36 Honorable Mentions

Pabellones flotantes, Floating Platforms

42 goCstudio
‘wa_sauna’, Seattle, Washington (United States)

44 Elise Morin + Florent Albinet
‘Walden Raft’, Picherande (France) / Košice (Slovakia)

46 Erkko Aarti, Arto Ollila & Mikki Ristola (AOR)
‘Viewpoint’, London (United Kingdom)

48 PAD studio + SPUD Group + Stephen Turner
‘Exbury Egg’, Hampshire (United Kingdom)
50 Elena Chiavi + Ahmad El Mad + Matteo Goldoni
‘Antiroom II’, Valletta (Malta)

New Design Museum, in Detail

54 John Pawson
London (United Kingdom)

Stephen Walter, Obsessive Cartography
68 Mapping the World

Shirley Baker, Slum Britain
76 ‘Women and Children; and Loitering Men’

Publicado por | 14 de febrero de 2017 - 10:39 | Actualizado: 14 de febrero de 2017 - 10:42 | PDF

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