Eye N° 83 Vol. 21 : Typography special (2012)

10 Critique: The woman who took on the Wolf Man.
Stawa Harasymowicz’s graphic novel debut illuminates a Freudian case history with thrilling clarity.
By Rick Poynor

12 Reputations: Massimo Vignelli
‘I was always seeking to affect the lives of millions of people – not through politics or entertainment but through design’
Interview by R.Roger Remington

30 The business model: Miss Fixit
Tina Roth Eisenberg, aka Swismiss, is interviewed by Steven Heller

32 Street life
Bremen’s acclaimed street magazine. Die Zeitschrif der STrasse benefits its student publishers as much as its homeless vendors
By Nick Kapica

38 Devil in the detail
Like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde of design, John Morgan sees typographic detailing and grand gestures as equally essential to project´s ‘atmosphere’.
By John L. Walters

50 Rethinking Lubalin
As his book on the US typographer goes to press, Adrian Shaughnessy explains his change of heart

54 The line of beauty
Script typefaces, currently enjoying huge popularity, bring a vital element of humanity to the digital age.
By Paul Shaw and Abby Goldstein

68 Free for all
When designing the open source Ubuntu typeface. Dalton Magg laid its creative process bare to an online audience of millions.
By John Ridpath

72 Postmodern jam session
Jan Middendorp recalls Fuse, the type ‘magazine’ that opened up (and put the lid on) a transient era of adventurous type design from small digital foundries.

78 Last things last?
Ken Garland addressen an issue left unsaid in his 1964 First Things First manifesto: an acknowledgement of the essential role of the client

90 Education: Paper tigers
Deborah Burnstone describes Fedrigoni’s workshops for secondary school and design teachers

92 Reviews
Polish graphic design; Richard Hollis; Psychedelic Art; Sagmeister’s The Happy Show; Information Graphics; Julien Vallée, Sarah Illenberg; Pierre di Sciullo; Decodeunicode a winner at the ED Awards; Making WET magazine; British Comics; Kwadraat Blanden; Romanian design; Golitath

Publicado por | 7 de agosto de 2012 - 11:35 | Actualizado: 7 de agosto de 2012 - 11:36 | PDF

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